
2001-04-17 - 4:02 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

Welcome to GoLive CyberStudio 3 There is a new catch-phrase soon to be sweeping the nation. It is,"_________ You are...the weakest link!"

This will get real fuckin' old real quick.

It bothers and offends me as much people who use those Taco-Bell slogans and catch-phrases that are incessantly pounded into our brains with the subtlety of a jackhammer.

Its pathetic. Its a lack of personality. Its...submission to the man.

I was on my search for pomade a few days ago, when I stumbled into a Wall-Green's, where I found two clerks, a male and a female stocking the shelves.

The guy clerk was definitely working hard to charm his co-worker, to no avail.

Thinking nothing of it, I blankely wandered the store a bit, like a good consumer, when I hear that horrible, "Zesty!" catch-phrase being used.

It was as if I had stumbled on a horrible smell, a look of disgust shot across my face and would not leave. I was overwhelmed by repugnance, like stumbling on a donkey-fisting session in Tijuana or unexpectedly finding an old reeking outhouse.

It was the guy clerk, trying to make his co-worker laugh, and presumably at some point, get in her pants. It is my considered opinion that if your approach to wooing members of the opposite sex consists of Taco-Bell slogans, you will never get in anyone's pants but your own.

She looked forlornly over at me, and caught my glance with a silent giggle. Poor girl.

I almost said something to him, but reconsidered, as most likely he'd perceive it as a bum out, and not a helping hand. It may even have driven him furthur into the folds of consumerism.

Its not my position to judge other's lives, as banal and tripe filled as they may seem. That guy may have a blissful life.

And its not my job to be the EMS of cool.

"One pair of sunglasses and an attitude adjustment! Stat! ....okay, okay, take it easy, sir. You're okay now. Just lay off the commercial jingles. You'll be okay. Promise."

I wish more people could see through the BS and recognize the agenda that's waiting for them, that's all.

Every bit of advertising is designed to ingrain itself into the associations of your brain. The message is of little import, as long as its repeated, over and over and over and over and over and over, so that when you think of a particular sensation or need, you think of their product, and thus go buy it.

The last thing we need to do is surrender, and do this to ourselves. I will not throw up the white flag, buy the trendy shit, sit in an inflatable Miller-Lite chair, and repeat Taco-Bell slogans.

I refuse.

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