
The Truth Wanders From The Lips Of Lost Souls
2001-06-23 - 11:47 a.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook


So, I dropped acid last night.  Seemed like the thing to do.

Lots of fun.  Emoted with my guitar, which sometimes I wonder if this is my last link to the Pure Truth, that dowdy subjectivity that some people make it out to be, to suit their needs and issues.

Sometimes I feel like I'm saving my soul.  Producing one good thing.

Sometimes I feel like I draw wandering spirits into the room, for a bit of the One Old Song, and its touches of comfort and taste.  I can barely see or sense them, so far on the fringes of life, but I feel them, some dancing around in a circle around me, like Indians.  Some simply sitting and listening.  Some bending down to give me a kiss on the forehead.

I generally draw the living as well.  The girls two houses down sat on their porch and listened.

And after I stopped playing, I kept hearing the riffs in my head, plain as day.

Pure bliss, I'm tellin' ya.

Pure bliss.

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