
Lone Wolf Revisited
2001-06-24 - 11:12 a.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

So it was 12:30 am.

I had sucessfully resisted the urge to trip again, which can be difficult, because the second night one needs to take twice as much, and well...I have that much and more.

I though of producing a line graph, but that seems insulting.  Its a straight linear proportion. One the first night, two the second etcetera...

I was playing guitar, and the karma started to flow out the door, so I rolled with it.

I strapped on the Doc Martens (brown), a pair of jeans, watch, and my male sluttiest t-shirt and went to the Rhino Room.  Objective: get a beer to banish the anti-social bent into which I've drifted.

The shirt is one I've had for awhile, and rarely ever wear.  Tight (on purpose, designed that way), purple, and with a tan I look pretty good wearing it.  It gets deeper, and this is likely why I don't wear it:  my mom got it for me.  The oedipal implications likely frighten me off subconciously.

Ran into some people I know, but only made cursory chit-chat, as I only like them so much.  Not much of a common ground.

And I sat, and just was.  Don't know how else to explain that.

Didn't even look around much.

Eventually two girls came up behind me and commisserated about me.  One leaned in and we started talking.  Her friend came back and groped me a little bit, gazing at me with lustful eyes.

And the conversation was good.  It felt unforced, at least on my part.  And the conversation got deep quickly.

It seems, Brina (like sabrina minus the sa), the dominant of the duo, is moving to Chicago.  Margie (mar' ghee), the cuter of the two, is staying behind.

I started drawing them into it, and Brina got misty-eyed.  Margie broke down and started crying.  I gave her a hug.

She was cuuuu-te.  Perky, pert.  Little. (at least, in relation to me, I was probably about a foot taller than her)

And eventually the tears stopped, and the fun continued.  I did a good job of keeping my attention focused on her.

Two blonde girls sat down the bar and scoped me hard for awhile while I chatted with Margie as it approached close.  Why do girls do that?  What are the odds that if I had switched choices that anything would have come of it?  I'd say slim to none.  I might have been able to swing it, but it seemed to be a pecking order type of thing, wherein they wanted to assert dominance more than actually have anything else come from it.  They were hot, and I think it was more of a 'We have right of first refusal before you, brunette.'.I could be wrong.  After all, I was looking damn slutty, and anything could've been likely.

Margie was cute, and gave me her phone number.  Hopefully I won't add this to my string of getting phone numbers and not calling them.  I am leaning towards calling her.

I think its doomed, eventually.  For a lot of reasons.  But I just want to have fun and I'll keep open the possibility that she may surprise me.

Besides, the way she looked at me, and her and her roomie pawed at me, made me feel warm and safe.

It appealed to my uncomplicated nature.  And if I do call, I will try to make myself wait, as things will be better if I do.

I'll try damn hard.  Mmmm.  That little slip of a girl, the things I would do to her...



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