
Shimmering Trees
2001-09-06 - 2:19 p.m.

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Welcome to GoLive CyberStudio 3

I've been noticing different things, and my mind has been wandering.

Its clearly anywhere but here.

Hiding, most likely, from massive abuse.

One thing I have noticed is the shimmering trees.

It has to be the right type of tree. Poplar is good. Aspen. Anything with a waxy coat over their leaves will do.

Also, you need some direct sunlight on the tree, and a slight breeze.

If you look at a tree using soft focus, taking in the whole tree and not any single part, under these conditions it will shimmer for you.

Sunrise and sunset are the best times, but not the only times they will shimmer. Any direct sunlight will do. Remember: Sunlight, Soft focus, Slight breeze.

As the leaves turn about in the breeze, and the setting sun glints off of them, looking with soft focus you will see a tree shimmer. Its beautiful, if you think about it.

I hadn't thought of this for a long time, until yesterday, driving home from the gym, on my street I noticed a tree shimmering in the fading light of the day, as the sun set over the Rockies.

I sat in my car for a moment, and reflected.

Life ain't all bad.

Sometimes its good to let my mind wander. I never know what it might find.


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