
Random Thoughts B
2001-02-28 - 13:44:38

strangely non-functional guestbook

Welcome to GoLive CyberStudio 3 Just a few random thoughts now.

Took a heli-nap last night. I slept shortly after I got home, and slept for three hours. I always have nightmares, horrible tortuous nightmares when I sleep alone. Now I am noticing a subtle pattern. For the real bad ones, I will call out in my sleep to the nearest trusted person to wake me. The fuckers never do, of course. ("Yeah, that spooked me. You started saying things like 'ohhh, this sucks...ohhh' and then you started calling my name for help. Freaky.")

Maybe that should bother me, but it doesn't. The nightmares mostly stop when I share my bed, anyway.

Movies the past week or so:

American Beauty. Existenialism. Nazi plate is symbolic of that kid's dad's latent homosexuality. Took me awhile to figure that out. Roses foreshadow Lester's murder. Great fuckin' movie, but this is not the news.

Stir of Echoes. Good movie. They broke the midwestern/Chicago accent throughout the movie, which is a drag, but may have been intentional, as that accent could get fucking annoying. Made me think about the afterlife, which is always fun.

Magnolia. Covered that. Jason Robard's monologue makes it worth watching the whole movie.

8mm- depressing fucker. Liked it a lot, but man, it leaves me feeling badly. Also, it never seems to fail to amaze me what turns some people on. Do whatever, be consenting adults, don't victimize...but ye gods. I have to wonder if society was more open and There will always be a dark side. Some people just like doing things for the shock value and rule breaking. I have gone through periods of taboo breaking, and, taking that to the extreme, no matter what's considered cool and okay, there will be something that some one digs up simply to get off on revulsion, theirs and others.

But really, it makes me wonder. Killing mice with stilletto heels? Shit eating? What the fuck!?

Rainman : Decent interraction, good dialogue, good acting, good screenplay. Tom Cruise is a shitty actor, though. I get tired of these hollywood fuckers who think acting is simply knowing the right angles and lighting with which to shoot them. Best acting I've seen Cruise do is in Eyes Wide Shut. It appears that Kubrick blocked just about every motion those two did. Which is fine. If you look, Cruise is actually makng choices, actually acting. In Rainman, however, he gets by on naturalistic tendencies, and plays the shallow asshole quite effortlessly.(see Interview with the Vampire, strikingy similar, when they should be WAY different) IRL, though, autisim doesn't really work like that. Usually lower functioning, especially at that age. This movie makes me want to abduct an autistic and hit a string of casinos from here to Vegas.

Girl Interrupted. Okay, okay. Chick flick, yes. Yes, I was drawn in by Angelina Jolie and Winona Ride-me. And I've watched it twice because Jolie's moxy is hot. And I've always had a thing for doey-eyed winsome ride-me. They represent the dialectic of girls I like. But also being on the therapist side of things makes the ward interaction interesting to me. Introducing a new member to the group heirarchy is always so telling about your group.


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