
Random Thoughts A
2001-02-28 - 13:44:07

strangely non-functional guestbook

Welcome to GoLive CyberStudio 3 Moving from a field that requires you to interact constantly, and aways be "on" to a job where I may not talk to more than five people in a day is thought provoking. I do not judge myself by other people. My values and sense of self-worth are intrinsic, but sometimes I mis-gauge my moods. If I talk to no one, I can cruise through my day with no worries, just assuming that I'm in a good mood. But this may not be the truth. I surprise myself with biting sarcasm and cynicysim in instances where i was not aware of such feelings. I'm all right with it, though. The people who know me, know me as a positive loving guy in my own way, and take what I say with a grain of salt. Maybe this is what rattles weak people away from me. So I suppose, all in all, this is okay.

Read an entry from this diary I found on Quoted. This woman describes her feelings of being in love, and wow, scary. She describes thinking about him practically constantly, and believes this will last the rest of her life.

I hope it does. Word of honor, I hope it does.

But c'mon.

Hello? Obsessive?

I believe this is symptomatic of a person who is not okay being by themselves. I also believe that being okay on your own means you can be good for someone else. Otherwise, clingy-ness and obsession follows, and that is a drag. For me, and my relationships, this is key.

I once had the luxury of forming a clique with two girls that I loved dearly, and still do. I had trouble picking which one to be my girl. In reality, they probably picked me, but the tension was always there. Anyway, I was smitten. In the middle of taking an exam that would determine my success in Social Psychology (which I kicked ass , the final anyway. 4.0 on the final and finished twenty minutes ahead of everyone) I paused for something like fifteen minutes just reminiscing about the good times we had all had together, and the final thought being that I had to chose one, and I did not know which. It was like I just slipped into a daze. I liked it, but it disturbed me that I could lose focus like that in a crucial moment because of another person.

But compared to the skeelo that I peeped from that girl, I don't feel so bad.

Is this a good or a bad thing? Does it mean that I don't really fall in love anymore, or does it mean that I'm a secure guy who is not obsessive nor clingy, perhaps to the other side of the continuum?

I think its a good thing. I'm not going to re-evaluate my values.

What, like I'm going to start getting down on myself now? Please...

And while I'm on the topic, its been two years since I've been properly satisfied. When I find the Right Girl, I hope she has a healthy libido.

This is not an idle macho boast. There was one point in my life when I quit it all. My heart had been broken so badly so many times in a row, that I just quit. Celibate to the extreme. I barely went on any "dates", and pushed away any girls who were interested.

Looking back, I believe that may have lasted almost a year and a half. Not really sure. Did a lot of acid, and kinda' drifted through life moment to moment (still making progress towards my degree, though).

Then I found the Right Girl, or at least, the 'rightest' so far, and it was as if i had just gotten out of prison. I won't tell you my daily average 'casue you probably wouldn't believe it, but it was impressive. All right...I had sex on average, pushing double digits a day, every day for a loong time. I'm a healthy boy.

I shouldn't even think about it, 'cause although I'm open to the thought of a relationship, I'm having fun right now being single, and I really feel no hope of finding a girl of a matching mentality.

(What do you want to do tonight, honey? Thinking: ' several different drugs and fuck you all day. Why? What do you want to do?' speaking: ....Sure, the movies would be nice.")

What happened to all the girls who used to think like I did?

What happened to them?


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