
Down With The Bread And The Circuses
2002-03-23 - 8:59 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

In America, everything looks the same.

Take one mainstreet american town and replace it with another, and no one would know the difference.  The only difference noted will be the differing sizes of the mainstreets.

America needs to get organized.  Figure out where we're living, how we are conserving our natural resources, where we are developing, and grow a dizygotic twin of an agenda and perhaps a conscience, although it is idealistic of me to preach the virtues of a national conscience to anyone, because governments are the most self-interested institutions ever created, more so than religion, and as such could even be argued as to the irrelevance of such a metaphysical, yet physical idiom.

Perhaps it is with a bit of hubris in my thoughts, but this country has a lot more space to it.  A lot more growing to do.

The next regieme will be corporations.

This regieme it is so.  Scary to think that man's last brush with governmental idealism would be from such an awful time that it came, and certainly not on this side of the atlantic.

Stole the land from under others feet, than sold it out from under all our soles.  Souls.

Sold out.

The twentieth century was said to be the American Century.  The twenty first it will also be so. 

I examined Roman history not too long ago when I read up on all the Ceasars.  What truly impressed me was the length of the reign of Rome.

This is another way of saying that given the capitalist morals and principles that drive this pax americana...and in the coming times, this will seem like pax americana wherein a brutal ceasar was brought to power who bolstered the military activity in foreign lands, who supressed the revolts, and brought a harsh authoritarian rule to the conquered lands which really hadn't had much of a problem to begin with under more gentle rulers...will go on for a long fucking time.

Fact is, even with the internet, I only know of evidence of their moves, and suspect at their motives.

We need to get organized from the bottom up as a people, wholly, leaving room for freedom and expression, which we can do with zoning laws easily and without dissent, and take control of this apparatus that has become a freewheeling machine.

We need to feel the pulse of the corporations as they lull us into sleep.  We need to know where our enemy lays its head at night, so we can creep in like swarthy bastards wearing bandanas and clenching knives in between our teeth to slash their corporate board throats for using lives that are not theirs.

We need to realize that the world will thrash with our growing pains until we become organized in our approach.  Methodical.  Precise.

And then fuck you when we come.  For some reason, I see the capitalist dogma eventually creating state after state, and states in various stages of participation in the process.   I see a world where the resources are colonized and the people shit out like rats from a homeless persons ass.

We are already there.

Mainstreet USA is to blame.

Down with the bread and the circuses.

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