
Bush and Cheney
2001-03-06 - 13:35:01

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The world is going to hell in a hand basket. Unfortunately, we are all to stay here.

Bush the junior is a frat boy who really doesn't know what he's doing. You can see it in his eyes, and the way he carries himself. The way he mugs to people in the audience. Everybody has told him he was cool since day one because of Daddy's money and connections. This has allowed him believe he's hip, when the reality of the situation is that most people probably can't stand him.

He's touting a tax cut that doesn't add up. How do you cut taxes and still pay down the debt? It simply does not work that way, and is the second coming of supply side economics, which fueled the eighties and led us to that crash shortly after Regan took off on a memory free vacation.

Its like telling your bookie that you will arbitrarily reduce your payment to him, because if you spend that money on your own, there will be more money for everyone. Try that one out, and let me know how it goes.

Now Cheney's down with more heart trouble. I always thought he was a stooge. A waterboy for the oil companies who slid and slithered along 'cause he knew when to kiss-ass and when to shut up.

In the mean time, health care is out of control and the stock market is eating up all the gains of the past eight years. The pharmecutical companies and HMO's are quickly supplying slave labor from the lower class, so I don't see a Bush administration really doing anything about it.

In fact, his maid back home, Conchita probably has no benefits, and gets a smooth $200 dollars every two weeks plus room and board, which, after deducting doctor's visits and the price of uninsured high blood pressure medication and works out to and board.

Not until she's a dried up old spinster unable to work and dying in pain will he notice, and then only to call some hired hands to take her out to the back forty and, "...let her die in peace, dignity, and honor."

The only positive reframe apparent to me, is that things will get so bad, so shockingly horrible, that it actually drums out the best candidate for the job, and we can start back on the road to righteousness in four years.

But something tells me this will be a long, cold, hard time in America.


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