
Ashcroft is a harbinger of the Apocolypse
2001-02-01 - 19:04:26

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This whole Ashcroft confirmation bothers me...much like having Jehovah's witnesses bang on my door Sunday morning while I try to lay in the sun and get stoned.

Some of these Republican freaks disturb me. Like Jim Baker, Jeb Bush, Bush the Junior, and their water boy, John Ashcroft.

They have clean fingernails and the eyes of zealots, so deep into the dark-suck tide that don't even realize they only represent their select breed.

No. Perhaps that is wrong. Perhaps they realize it, and just don't care. The rap sheet on these fuckers would put Mike Tyson to shame.

The Bush family is so corrupt as to make John Gotti blush. Jeb and Junior betrayed the nation by fixing the election, and the old man is simply a coot. A dupe with no morals and less vision. A blind gang-bang hooker could give lessons on morality and vision to the Bush family.

And who fixed the election for them, none other than Jim Baker, one of the king-hell fixers of this, or more like any, political era. Baker has more blood on his hands than most genocidial freaks, and the scent of decay must make him high.

And now we come to Ashcroft. Surely some skeletons in the closet, bones of his victims, who has no trouble with the parsimonious pronouncement of being for civil rights, yet shooting down all legislation designed to bring about said pronouncement.

He has an odd, self-righteous look about him, as all these soul-less fucks do, which , I'm sure, hides the depth of darkness within. People are generally inherently good, and you can see it when they are. But not necessarily that tightly wound and good. That indicates something Hidden, that which Must Be Hidden. The tighter the wrap, accompanied by the seeming facade of righteousness, the greater the evil and self-deception that happens on the Inside.

Wrong is not wrong, unless I say its go upstairs sweetie, and take a shower, 'cause I'm gonna come up there and check to see how clean you are before your friends come over.

Whether any violation takes place is open to debate, however the fact that he will seclude himself in his room with Hustler magazine, S&M gear for ritual self flogging and masturbation is NOT. For my part, the tighter someone seems to keep their compsure has always been a clue to the soul that lurks within. Which is why I had no problem with Clinton. He made an effort at maintaining a loose facade, which indicated what ultimately was the truth, tightening up from his real persona, much like everyone is wont to do, indicating the marrow of the deal...we elected a sodimite hill-billy with a taste for pork-rinds, Arkansas football, and a predilection for infidelity on the skull tip. Not a problem.

My parents would foist my brother and I off to my grandparents on New Years if they would leave town. My grandparents would inevitably schlep us to the presbyterian church for a New Year Extravaganza and White Elephant exchange, which really just spooked the Hell out of me. I have trouble unwinding and relaxing with those who Don't Drink, Don't Smoke, and probably never have. They view people like me as Evil, and if the truth would be known, the zealotry would gleem from their eyes like laser beams.

I was not an abuser, partier and possible felon at the time, so I was in their good graces, but the thought occured to me then, as it does now, that if they felt righteous in their cause, much like Abraham and Issac from the Old Testament, they would see no problem in sacrificing me and anyone else on the altar of their convictions, and I was on their good side, at the time.

So I picture an implementation of policy on the legal level that will be much a shock to my, or anyone elses system who has a midnight taste for fun and a sense of fine illicit substance taking. To them these things are wrong, should be corrected, by any means necessary which in public they say they this to prevent the wrath of their vengeful, bitter Diety and be good, God fearing folk, but which is in fact predicated soley on maintaining their hedgemony and enusring their continued existance. (Like parasites, they exist to maintain their existance.) The lies they tell us pale in contrast to the lies they tell themselves daily, and end up believing on a regular basis, as they wash the blood from their hands, and go to feed from the trough.

God help us all.

Collarary: As I went home for lunch, I flipped on CNN HN and saw that he waas indeed confirmed by the senate 58-42. Bummer. I sincerely hope that my suspicions are wrong and unfounded, fueled by innate mistrust of our congress-creatures, but however warped the lense I veiw this life through is, my instincts are sharp, finely tuned instruments, and I approach this cabinet of good ole' boys from the military/oil/industrial complex with the same loathing most people approach major invasive surgery. Something wildly bad will go down, and we will only be able to get the smallest glance behind the curtain, as the way these things always go...our only evidence to this will be odd deaths around the world and strangness in the markets, as well as general repression of the population done for the 'most moral of reasoning'. Power to we moderates, don't fuck with us, don't change too much, just build up our mutual funds and leave us the hell alone. the positive reframe of all of this being as dark as it gets, we will be wiser the next time around, and regardless of party affiliation, vote for the candidate with a sound mind and no strings attached. McCain/Ventura 04'. Maybe Gore. I don't know, I just want to be in a coma for awhile.

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