
Lessons Learned From My Encounter with the Weird
2001-04-09 - 12:04 p.m.

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Lessons Learned From My Encounter With the Weird:

1. It is the nature of collectives to put parts where they are most useful.

    a). They are there because of Contributing Factors that extend beyond a quick fix

      1) Feeling sorry and/or guilty for people in this position is illogical, as well as immoral, as it will furthur enable their dysfunctional existance. Finding a place of higher functionality is the key, through education, counselling, and intervention

    b.) Prostitution and Drugs require furthur solutions than current legislation:

      1.) Prostitution should be controlled by the government

        a) Prostitution should be legalized, customers and prostitutes registered, screened for VD, and be heavily taxed. Brothels should be kept to a minimum in designated areas, with education/ counselling available for said prostitutes, and awareness education for customers

        b) Current legislation should be revised so as to heavily penalize all aspects of illegal prostitution.

        c) Such an Act will disrupt the burgeoning sex slave industry, clean up crime ridden areas, reduce victimization, slow the spread of AIDS and VD, and reduce the influence of gangs

      2) Drugs Should be controlled by the government

      • a) The current schedule of drugs should be amended to legalize sale of marijuana, LSD, Excastsy(MDMA), and derivatives of said substances, in registered places of business, heavily taxed, and minimal possession rights in the home, exclusive of public places except in designated areas.

      • b) Harder drugs (i.e. cocaine, heroin, crystal meth, and derivatives of said drugs, but not wholly inclusive to said drugs may be available through government disbursment in clinics, and governmental distribution centers. Heavily taxed. No possession rights outside of centers.

      • c)Drugs obtained outside of said proscritpions is illegal, and should be penalized harshly.

      • d) Such an Act will disempower gangs.

2.) I am thankful for my place in life, in as much as I will never have to contemplate life on the streets. (plus all the advantages with which I have been born with, for which I am endlessly thankful.)

3) My training and exposure to the Gang Culture is useful.

4) Compassion and understanding are key to a better world. This includes finding solutions, but not pity.

5) I need to stop looking for trouble.

6) I need to watch my ass...perhaps I am a bit too open.

7) Nothing in my life can be that bad...after all, I'm not on the street with drug stained teeth, trying to figure out a way to score from suckers who may or may not be slipping.


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