
2001-04-12 - 10:00 a.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

Welcome to GoLive CyberStudio 3

Okay, so I'm relating better to my hair, although it still isn't the way it should look.

Not a problem. I don't generally get hung up on these things.

But, now I seem to look in the mirror, trying to tease out the right combinations of fore-lock. This bothers me, 'cause I generally don't spend much of any time in the mirror. Its not that I don't like the way that I look ( I do ) , but there is so much else to life.

So now I have become one of "those" guys. I have become "that" guy.

The primping son-of-a-bitch who passes by his reflection and teases his hair. The pretty boy.

Ugh. I hate those guys.

And now I am one of them. Allowed into their secret cabal. Shown their mystic codexes.


On the lighter side of things ( if writing about my hair isn't on the lighter side) , I find myself openly staring at mullets much more than I used to do.

I always look. Blatantly so.

But now I will walk past, openly staring, craning my neck and admiring, completely unabashed. Totally staring.

Saw two sweet mullets yesterday. One was the classic mullet to the middle of the back, spread in a gorgeous fan-style pattern. Excellent plumage, if a bit unkempt.

The second was a sort of braided tail variety. The tail (which unbraided would have been one of the longest mullets I have ever seen), went down to the specimens ass, and the whole coiffe' was extremely well kept and maintained. He took a lot of pride in his plumage. Must've just lost one of his mates.

Its all about the hair.

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