
Let The Games Begin
2001-04-25 - 8:23 a.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

Welcome to GoLive CyberStudio 3

Okay, so I won't think about the trip home anymore.

Its just too big, and I think over-analyzation may spoil the good feeling I have associated with it currently.

'Cause I can take anything I've done, and depending on my mood, tear it all to hell and leave myself feeling like a fool.

So no more of that.

And the restless time is now off me. Now is the time of the pot smoking.

At the gym on Monday I talked to a girl who seems to have the type of attitude I dig. We make eyes at each other. Its harmless fun.

She mounted the equipment next to me, and I paused, looking at her innocently.

she:"Oh--I'm sorry, were you going to use this?"

me: "No, I was just watching your grace as you use it."

she(beaming):"I'll take that!"

This made her smile, which made me feel good.

(If only fellatio had been involved. Or better yet: coitus. Coitus everywhere. I will spread my seed to the four corners of the Earth, and in twenty three years, there will be a stunning revolution led by my ubiquietous progeney, who will be legion. They will move like storm troopers, smoke all your pot, and knock up your daughters. Then society will shift to a marijuana-smoking and introspective bent, and the only crime will be political apathy. Marraiges will be arranged. Virtual reality for all.)


In a stunning turn of events, I got evaluated at work. I got a glowing review. Lots of fine compliments and praise galore.

I'm guarunteed another year of employment.

Which is nice, 'cause I do next to nothing, and get lots of positive recognition.


And the hot-tub will be fixed this week.

Let the orgies begin!


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