
Tales of the Death-Wish pt. 9
2001-05-22 - 2:11 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

And the Hits Just Keep on Rollin'...

Tales of the Death-Wish


Pt. 9 : Epilogue or How Long Can It Last


I'm still limping like a motherfucker that got caught under a truck. But my spirits are good. Smoked two one-ies on my way home from work yesterday, and crashed for four hours. Killer green. Stayed up for two hours, smoked some more, and went back to sleep until my alarm went off, wishingI could sleep the day away.

I suppose you may be sitting there, wondering what I may have learned, what lesson I've taken away from this.

Sure there's lessons upon lessons, and moral upon morals I could draw upon. Realizations to be had. Its not like I haven't learned anything.

But the most valuable asset I take away from this is something else.

I feel surprisingly normal.

Not as in my normal freak-of-fuckin'-nature way, but just normal.

Like a normal guy, in a regular world. Like I blend into the population. Inconspicuous. Just another citizen. I feel this way for the first time in a long time. Maybe my whole life.

And its okay.

I may go in another direction now. I feel free, and rooted at the same time.

Maybe I'll organize, get on a better track in my professional life. Maybe I'll leave, and roam.

Perhaps I'll get serious about finding a girlfriend, having a relationship.

Maybe I'll just roll on in my own way, enjoying this feeling of normalcy while it lasts, smoking grass like a rastafarian, continuing my quest for the good and the beautiful.

Who knows.

Maybe nothing.

But I am thrilled at this point to be able to breathe the air, and feel the ground beneath my feet.

A normal guy in a regular world.

Yeah, that's me. For now, anyway.

Think the feeling will last the whole day?

Probably not.

But for now, its alllllllright.

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