
Tales of the Death-Wish pt.3
2001-05-21 - 5:10 p.m.

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And the Hits Just Keep on Rollin'...

Tales of the Death-Wish


Pt. 3 : Like a Feeding Frenzy on the Great Barrier Reef


Drugs and white suburbia belong together. Its a simple thing. The spoiled children of the overpriveledged bugeousie and the decadence of excess that will bring down imperialism.

There is a lot of parallels between Juan Valdez's other fine columbian product, and someone throwing a party in your closet in your bedroom.

In both cases, there will be a lot of people, they will be very chatty and exhuberant, and it will simply go on for way too damn long, becoming something of a nuisance.

Also, in many parties, if you look in the smallest removed room, you will likely find the fruit of poor Juan Valdez's labor, performed in the dank jungles of columbia.

I paused to look at the masses. There must have been twenty people crowded into my laundry room, and another twenty crowded into the study.

Loud as hell. Talking about crazy things. Things they probably wouldn't take the effort to mention had it not been for all the serotonin that was ping-ponging behind their eyes.

And they were clustered. Like cattle around the trough. Pigs in the slop. Or sharks fighting over chunks of chum in the Great Barrier Reef. Shoulder to shoulder, despite all the obvious space elsewhere in the house. All there for the same reason, but desperately trying to pretend otherwise.

I had to push my way into my study. I had to push to the fore. It disgusted me.

On the other hand, there was a lot of reefer being passed freely, which I like to see.

The dichotomy amazes me. How can anyone shun pot and then snort like Paul Bunyan's Big Blue Ox Babe?

The government has it all wrong. Marijuana is the solution to the drug problem. Encourage it. Grow it. distribute it for a pittance.

I would say the other step is to legislate the fuck out of narcotics, but that culture will eat itself before too long.




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