
Ranting on BPD and D-land
2001-04-05 - 9:29 a.m.

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Freaks are running loose in the streets. I'm finding it more and more difficult to not re-evaluate myself, along the lines of,"Gee, maybe the last three people I've talked to aren't horribly fucked up, maybe its me."

Almost, but not quite. 'Cause the simple fact is, there are very few people that have all their marbles together. I am simply in a good position, because, though I may not have all my marbles together, I certainly know their location.

And really, even if you don't have it all together, the very bottom rung on the wellness ladder is suspecting that you don't have it all together. The stone cold crazy bastards are the ones who never get there, and react strangely when the suggestion is put out that, "Hey, did'ya ever thing that maybe..."

I used to work in the mental health feild. There are teeming legions of people who barely scrape by on the narrowest edge of functionality. Precarious neuroses set up in a static way, balanced against each other, waiting for the avalanche.

Getting more sleep lately, which is making me more tired in the morning for some reason. I am a freak of fuckin' nature.

Another thing that pisses me off is the over-diagnosing of BPD-Bi Polar Disorder or Manic-Depression. True enough, emotional labiality is a symptom, HOWEVER, moving from the manic stage to a depressive stage of the the disorder takes time. A lot of time, not just a few minutes. At least days, if not a few weeks, typically. Such a move NEVER happens in a few minutes. That is a different condition, more symptomatic of a more typical neuroses.

And frankly, there's just too many people roaming around d-land wearing their supposed BPD like a badge, when its most likely NOT bpd. The bitch of it is, I'm sure some believe it because a doctor suggested it, when I'm willing to bet a million bucks said doctor receives kickbacks from the pharmecutical companies, doesn't know or care to explore what neurotic axis that person falls under in the DSM-IV, realizing that the meds are a safe, cheap and effortless alternative.

"Yeah, yeah, mood swings hey? BPD. Eat this."

And then he scribbles an ambiguous description of symptoms, followed by NO diagnoses and the scrawl: patient complains of emotional labiality and anxiety, prescribed 100 mg of paxil 2 X.


Symptom treating motherfuckers making themselves a goldmine on the backs of other's misery.

Watch all this brain chemistry disturbance leads to tumors down the road.

TIP: If your doctors pens, folders, furniture, notepads, etcetera all say "Paxil" or "Glaxo-Welstone" or any brand name of drug or company, its a good bet he's getting something from that company for adding to their sales bottom line.

I favor an integrated approach of therapy and meds, with the emphasis on therapy. Get to the ROOT CAUSE. Otherwise the patient will take a loooong time to get well, if ever.

Another tip: If you think you have BPD, but haven't taken your meds for "awhile", and still are able to either get out of bed, or go into the public w/o getting arrested, then chances are you are NOT bpd.

addendum: If you claim BPD and haven't taken your meds for "awhile", and still manage any functionality, no matter how slim, chances are you are NOT bpd.

I've SEEN bpd. You are not it.

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