
2002-03-19 - 3:25 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

I drink a lot of tea.

Mostly of the iced varieties, but I have been known to attempt to abuse the kava-kava.

I got started because of my brother, and his insistent use of teas.

I would go over, and he would have teas of wide varieties for this and that function.

Ecchinaciea, green tea, relaxation tea, et. cetera.

And it was like he was into magic potions.

"He's got an edge, with all these teas resembling magic potions," I thought.

So I decided to partake and imbibe myself. Gotta' get that edge.

Now I just dig the fact that I'm brewing something.

It makes me feel important. I'm not making coffee, nor am I pouring a glass of milk.

I'm a part of a process.

I'm brewing.

What are you doing? Why I am brewing.

The cold brew variety, thankyouverymuch.

And that's why I drink a lot of tea.


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