
I Must Sleep In...
2001-02-21 - 20:00:08

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I awake to the hellish sound of bad country music. I am a fan of all types of music. I find things to like about a piece if it is good, regardless of the genre, but really bad country music grates on my soul. It sounds like cats fucking.

So, in an effort to pry my ass out of bed, I set my morning wake up to the worst country station in the area. And these past few days it has been bad. Really bad. Songs about pick-up trucks and shit

I wake up this morning, and with a little shift of the covers, was soooo comfy and warm. It seems like I can never sleep in the days I really want to, and the days i don't care about it, I don't even have to get out of bed.

I have slept with a fan running by the bed for so long now, I don't even attempt to fight it and approach normal sleeping accouterments. It started in jr. high, when i realized that in the summer months, the comfort of the fan really helped me sleep well on multiple levels for multiple reasons, so I kept it. The coolness, the breeze, the drowning sound of the knocks my ass out.

So when I sleep, there is quite a contrast. We turn the heat way low to conserve energy and reduce bills, and I click on my is cold as hell out side my layerings of blankets, which, more and more, I adore. Its like a turtle's shell, a carapace, and the inside is sleep central.

When I sleep alone, typically, I cover my head. Also, when I sleep alone, I use a blanket from childhood(always at home. Its a good blanket, but the freudian implications make me twitch if i think about it), which should fall apart any day now, and TWO comforters. Lay down a waterproof tarp, and lay me and my blankets in the snow, and it will not matter. My ass will be cozy and asleep, along with the rest of my body.

My desire to be warm and sleepy fought with my desire to be free of hellishly bad music. I haven't heard anything like that since the trailer park burned down.

Eventually, of course, I got up. But the extra time was well worth it. I will be more productive today due to that extra fifteen minutes I slept in, by which time I was exactly late.

Well, maybe not more productive, but I will definitely be more pleasant to be around.

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