
Let The Games Begin...Again.
2001-05-30 - 11:26 a.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

So I guess some explanations are in order: I took a break, and pondered the arc of the past.

I started the Silver Screen as a therapeutic tool, even though I was unsure of my need for it. As the past few months unfolded, the "therapy" reached a culmination. A conclusion.

And as such, the purpose of said project is fulfilled.

I encourage all to read it. There's a loss of innocence in there, somewhere.

So now starts something new, and speciously undefined.

So here is a light recap of the past few days. Highlights of highlights of highlights.

Smoked the killer green constantly.

(I may most likely stop referring to my refer consumption, as it is much like talking about breathing. As in,"...well, today, I got up, and I breathed a bit. After lunch, did some serious respirating, and then several times in the evening, as well as right before bed, yep, you guessed it, more breathing.)

Caroused a bit, hit several bars, had a few nice moments.

What sticks in my mind is not the girl who gave me her phone number, but rather the hole-in-the-wall bar I went to last.

It was a no-frills bar, quite near my house. No entertainment, besides Golden Tee (ugh.) and two T.V's that have just been installed. Its a very small and narrow bar. I've never seen more than four or five people in it at one time.

And Sunday night they have a two-dollar you-call-it special. It was packed, shoulder-to- shoulder, wall-to-wall.

I sat at the bar with C.J.

The crowd cheered a young hispanic man as he made a 151 fireball for the entertainment of the masses. The conflagaration took place some two feet in front of me.

After the tumult, I turned to a pretty blonde haired, blue eyed girl next to me, and grabbed her elbow ever so delicately with my thumb, index and middle fingers, and gazed into her eyes.

me:"Now that's entertainment." I drawled in a low register.

She was bright and riffed with me for a bit, with nervous glances at the obnoxious guys in the booth behind us, presumeably whom she and her friends were either going out with, or had come to meet at the bar, for whatever reason.

They had the obnoxiousness of a clique of guys who've had their girls for a little too long to be polite, (i.e. non-embarassing) company.

Funny thing being, that although I made time with her, none of them wanted anything to do with me.

I have a bad history of chatting up other guys chicks at that bar. Its probably out of miserable boredom more than anything. Its not my typical pattern.

As far as the girl who gave me her number, well...I have no pat answer for that.

We've had great chemistry for awhile, and she always stares at my cock. Drunk, pushing 2:00 a.m., I make a play for her phone number. She's a bar-maid.

I didn't call that night, and then it occurred to me, that perhaps I should've , and that this was the whole point: another hook-up.

The next day, I thought, maybe trying to get her to make me wait for sex, (following something of the traditrional 3 date rule ) would make her uncomfortable. Interesting thought, that, these girls that would rather fuck me, than let me know them.

And so overwhelmed by a serious lack of caring, I have not called. Maybe tonight. Maybe never.

I have to say, though, if everything was apple pie, this wouldn't be happening this way. So I'm pretty sure she's not the Right Girl for me.

Been involved in conversations at the gym, surprisingly. Specifically flirted with a girl who makes eyes at me, and seems blown away by me. She looks at me with lustful eyes, and can barely make a conversation, despite her obvious witticism with the other gym people, while I...I'm just me.

Later in the weekend, I randomly stopped at a supermarket to go to an ATM. I saw her at the "gay" supermarket, walking along with a hulking woman, flirtatious and amorous. This supermarket is nominally called "King Soopers", but in the slanderous local vernacular, it is called "Queen Soopers".

I mention this only because it amuses me. The girl I make good time with at the gym is, most likely, lesbian.

Which is fine with me. For some reason, I connect quite well with lesbians.

I'm not on a mission to change anyone.

And now to the layout change. The Silver Screen chapter is closed for the moment. The new layout is inspired by my email address and the five years of parochial schooling that still has its marks laid upon my concious, sub-concious and soul. Sort of an ecuminical sobriquet, if you will. An evangelical decadent.

How long it will stay is open for debate. Until it annoys me, most likely.

But a change was necessary. For a lot of reasons.

So let the games begin...again.


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