
I hope!
2002-01-09 - 12:48 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

So much to say, its all there.

Details of interest only to a-kin researchers.

The pain of the past few days has broken me, yet again.

BUT...I think I'm getting better. I feel hopeful today.

Didn't realize I was this badly off.

Quote from the doctor, to my mother, while I still slept, blissfully unconcious and out of touch from the pain 36 hours ago,"Well, he's really messed himself up this time."


My brother once described some of the people I admired as, "All appetite, appetite defines them, and ultimately consumes them, and this is what makes them so beautiful to us all."

I am a creature of unrelenting appetite.  Guess I should have reigned in the id this past year, taken better care of myself.

What can I say to my Creator but, "You put a buffet in front of my face, no matter how ridiculous, and I'm going to partake of it."

Perhaps that's wrong.  I really don't see my Creator reproaching me for that.  Possibly for not taking advantage of gifts and opportunity, but not for making assinine decisions.

It was the skin-suit.  It wasn't ME.

There isn't a place for me in WASP heaven, anyway.  I shall miss all my childhood friends.

I shall remain hopeful, in the face of this.  At least for today. 

Don't feel sorry for me.  I've lived twice as much a life as anyone you know.

And maybe in this, with all things considered, I've managed to do one thing right in my life.

Love all you can.

I will endure.

I hope. 

I hope!

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