
My Birth Week Celebration part 5
2001-07-08 - 1:46 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

So I sat on the edge of the cliff, my legs slung around the red rock protrusion like I was riding a horse who had a slope towards the ground, hanging on by the friction of my jeans and the red rock, a deadly fall waiting on either side, smoking the killer sensimilla while tripping my balls off.

Just a taste of the edge, to remind me that I'm still alive.

It had seemed like a day or two ago since I had first dropped acid, different scenes and interludes.� Sunning myself and then dipping into the creek for a little ride and a cool down, then back to the rocks to watch the exhuberant tubers, kayaks, stragglers and other misfits.

There is a general fear of the water in this part of the nation.� It is seen as a risk, with inherent benefits and dangers.

After wandering through the park, thinking idly to myself of past and present, watching a mexican woman terrorize her weak willed progeny by teasing with throwing the to the rapids, I came up to the bridge.

Off in the distance, the sun broke through the clouds and highlighted a distant out-cropping of red rock.

Illuminated in the distance, it was basked and higlighted like classical art work.

It was quickly decided that this was the place to be.

The hike wasn't bad, for all that I bitched about it.� Up at the top, where the outcropping of rock breaks out of the grassy hill, a fervor, or mania seized me.� I charged up the rocks without thought of getting down.� I sweat like mad.� But no stopping, no, not now.� I thought that I was like a shark, and if I stopped, I'd realize what I was doing, and so figuratively die.� The energy that filled me, the passion, the zeal was enormous.

Made it to the top, and some sort of precipice jutted out, but was not the precipice I had desired from the roadway.

There were. I believe 4 distinct sections of red rock, and the farthest was occupied by the ravens, of which I wanted no part.

I went up the third to start.

And that led me to the edge, hanging on by the seat of my pants.

Just for a second with the eyes closed a bit.� That extra lack of sensory infromation just freaking myself out.� Staring eyes shut or open, right at the very edge most people spend their whole lives trying to avoid.� This is where I play on my birthday celebration.

Of course its monday, but what fun is that?�

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