
This Is My Existance
2001-06-12 - 11:21 a.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

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I have been doing some cognitive restructuring.

It started with working with mantras, and affirmation statements.

Such as,"I am one with the me that is going to work out.", or "I am at one with the me that is healthy.", or "I am at one with the me that is tying one on tonight."

And, lest you doubt me, or my cognitive cognitions, try it. Go to a bar, a friend's house or a party, and before you start, say the affirmation, out loud three times. "I am at one with the me that is tying one on tonight.". "I am at one with the me that is tying one on tonight.". "I am at one with the me that is tying one on tonight.". Then randomly repeat it, in your mind periodically through the night. When it surfaces, embrace it, and repeat it, in your mind. You may even want to say it out loud a few more times. And when 2:00 a.m. rolls around, you will be one devestated motherfucker, I guaruntee it. It will become a slogan or a rallying cry, and others will appreciate it, even if they do not understand. And you will be religiously fucked up. Biblically. Seven sheets to the wind.

I needed to tune up my outlook on life, as my previous mantras and affirmations (be in the right place at the right time...and...Just Roll With It (which I still love)), so thinking about it, have come up with a new mantra/affirmation/slogan.

"This is my existance."

As in: You are driving down a one way street, a car turns to go the wrong way. You make deliberate gestures to indicate the stupefying gravity of their actions, only to have them wave blandly. "Fuck. This is my existance."

Or: You pull up to the curb, and after you get out, the neighbors decide its time to water the lawn, right next to your car. "Fuck. This is my existance."

Also: Some freak decides to pour out their life story while you are really high, and you are in no mood to rehash their thirty years of failure ("...and after my second DUI..."), but are too polite to put the boots to said freak..."Fuck. This is my existance."

It works the other way around, too, when things are cool. It provides a nice existentialist basal rate, a basic acceptance of life, rather than a rage at injustice, or wishing for that which is not there.

This is my existance.

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