
Enron Hearings: Hypocrisy Highlights and Monkey Traps
2002-02-26 - 5:43 p.m.

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Enron.  How long will this hypocritical pagentry of political money whores go on?

This is such a massive screwing of the American people, and the panoply of failure falls on both sides of the inquisitors and inquisitioned.

I spent a good chunk of time trying to avoid the hearings today.  To take a break, as it were.  But indeed, if there is a lesson to be learned, it is that we all must pay attention to the cheap whores in expensive suits, or else all our 401k's go down the drain.

Down the drain?  Is that an apt analogy?  Perhaps disappear in a puff of blue flame and a whisp of sulfur is more accessible and applicable.

Whoops?  Sorry.  The fruit of your life's labors was just made to disappear by the acts of inept and out of touch CEO's.  Back to the coal mine's with you until you die spewing coal dust out of your lungs wondering how the hell you got screwed out of hundreds of thousands of dollars in one musty fatefull summer margin call that stretched into late autumn and early winter.

Skilling, the ceo, said the failure of the hedge companies was the call for Enron stock which constituted the lion's share of all these fake companies capital resources.  Meaning these thousands of companies all needed to actualize and/or liquidate the Enron stock that backed them in these tax shelter deals at the same time, causing a "run on the bank" effect.

It spelled doom for Enron, and a host of Texan wasps went to the poor house crying.  All because of an out of touch corporate environment spawned careless CEO's who got caught with their hands in the proverbial cookie jar, emblematic of the dissasociated responsibility spreading corporate culture in America today, where bosses and managers think problems are solved by circulating memos, and accountability is irrelevant as long as it cannot be linked to oneself.

It is almost like the monkey trap employed by African bushmen in the Serhenghetti to find water.  They put a nut in a jar, or a hollowed out space in rock.  The monkey reaches in to grab the nut, and pull it out, but cannot, as holding the nut increases the size of his fist larger than the diameter of the aperature.  Screeching, he is caught, as the monkey is loathe to let go of his trove.  The bushmen ties him up, and waits until the primate is thirsty beyond all sense, and lets it go.  The baboon will then run straight to his water source, and the Bushman has his water source for the day.

Indeed.  Get all that?  It applies well to this Enron fiasco.  The difference being that the Senators aren't looking for water to replenish the stocks of the 401k's, but instead trying to look like they are doing something, which they are not.  They are looking for cover.  And in a way, they are hoping the Enron CEO's will lead them to it, hopefully by providing someone they can clearly blame without running afoul of the Bush administration.  The Enron CEO's needed to let go of the nut, and get their hands out of the cookie jar a bit faster, but being greedy little monkey's, couldn't.

Much like the Nuremburg trials, blame is spread everywhere and nowhere in particular, and many, many people are all the poorer for it.


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