
Enron, Congress, and the Hen House
2002-02-14 - 3:09 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

After watching the Susan Atkins testimony in front of Congress today, it doesn't take a genius to see what is going on.

To use a colloquialisim, the fox is guarding the hen house, and he is indeed well armed.

A quick check of the donor lists will tell you what you need to know, and if one looks shrewdly, the way the money was distributed it all goes to Enron's benefit. 

Its the spoils system, rearing its ugly head in the 21st century after years of seeming banishment that was really a shell game, smoke and mirrors, and we were all the dupes.

The change in atmosphere from the Skilling inquisiton is revealing.  WIth Skilling, it was a grandstanding affair by politicians who were so in bed with Enron they still had bed-head.

Now, with a co-operative witness, it is quite clearly a balancing act.  Congressmen desperately trying to look sympathetic to the people...with out killing their golden goose, and to who's favors they are still indebted.

Questions arise, great trails of responsibility opened, and so few of these public servants seemingly unwilling to follow.

A few of these congreessmen are for real.  Check the donor lists, and one will see those who have accepted the least are the most real.

Indeed.  Real:  as in, actually trying to accomplish something, anything, other than maintaining the flimsiest facade of public accountability without implication.

We have been sold out all along, and the horrifying implication is that nothing will happen with this pagentry.

The fox is gurading the hen house, and we all taste like chicken.

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