
2001-09-10 - 11:49 a.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

Welcome to GoLive CyberStudio 3

Okay, this is random catch-up, up to, but not including, this weekend.


  • The one welshman who departed several weeks ago, has a dad with ms, a child from a previous message, and knows a girl who likes to take it in the rear using "chip fat" (french fry oily leftover, I surmise) as a lubricant.

    • He also told me a story of how his one fuck up friend, Stein, whom I met last december I believe, took a sixteen year olds anal virginity, and had her pass out from intoxication, and bleed rectally all over the place.

    • The welshman made it home in time for his little girl's birtday celebration.

    • The cult-ish organization they fled was the California chapter of "People-to-People".

  • Two weekends ago, The drummer from Deadbolt stayed at my place, and we partied like a rockstars. All weekend. The drugs and booze consumed was incredible, accompanied by a mushroom party on Saturday, that culminated with us finishing off the last of the mushrooms at 5:00 a.m. Ouch.

    • Favorite line of the night."Well, I think I'm high now." Why? "Because I just went in the bathroom, I was in there for awhile, and I can't pee."

    • Lotsa' drugs Friday and Saturday. Skiing. Insane amounts of skiing.

      • I went to bed a 4:30 one night, and woke up at 6:20 to go pee. I walked into my kitchen, and there were still about fifteen people having "those" conversations. You know, such as, "No, that's not what the Nazi's were thinking. I'll tell you what the Nazi's were thinking." or, "Yeah, my dad n' me, were pretty tight. It was a good relationship."

      • I partied the whole weekend, and it was hard on my delicate sensibilities.

      • Friend from L.A. borught his dog back, and now I have a black labrador in my house.


I'll detail the rest of the most recently past weekend, later.

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