
And I'm Out!
2002-05-26 - 7:38 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook


Ventured out yesterday and today.

I've gone to buy supplies to produce some pictures.

$200 dollars worth of supplies.  Whoops.

It was like I went mad, and my mind set upon it.  I stayed up late in the midst of vicadin, darvocet and tylenol pms.

No sleep!  No sleep! 

However, I have fifteen new prints framed and smiling at me.

(Half-dozen crypt variations. What the fuck, its been a tough six month for me.)

It was enjoyable to me, and I got something out of the creative process.

Is it art? 

Some of it will evoke and interact, so, litmus test, I think so.

But the rationale for me is much simpler.  I like looking at my creations.

The other aspect is, although I am pushing myself, I am starting to rejoin the ranks of the living.

My jaded pathetic ass is back on the move. 

Not on the prowl.  Not for awhile.

But on the move, nonetheless.

Maybe I can catch some momentum.

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