
The Dark Seemy Underbelly of Addiction
2001-07-17 - 7:33 a.m.

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I did not smoke any pot last night.

This morning I am a little bitchy. I can feel it.

People I don't like are very annoying and cloying just in their prescence.

This is it, the dark side of a bad marijuana habit that has covered a span of many moons.

If I stick with it, I will be bitchy for three days.

What a great drug.

Honestly, if I get hooked on caffeine, I get a headache when I quit.

But I smoke the green like a fiend for years, and three days is all it takes.

I should make an honest effort.

We'll see how it goes.

This, the dark, seemy underbelly of the devil drug marijuana and its horrible lashing tentacles of addiction.

I will be bitchy and snide for three days.

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