
genoicide and Sunday Nights Do Not Mix
2001-02-05 - 981413780

strangely non-functional guestbook

Welcome to GoLive CyberStudio 3

Saturday and Sunday were mellow days. Did a lot of sleeping and toking. I think the two go hand in hand, especially with the awakenbake' in full effect.

No jehovah's witness or other proddings as I chose to lay in the Colorado Sun and smoke some fine Colorado green.

Saturday, went up to Red Rocks amptitheathre to clear out my head.

Red Rocks so reminds me of the Pompeii Ampitheatre, in that you can tell the designers thought about more than the show in its construction. The surrounding vista is gorgeous as well, on bouth counts. In Pompeii, you see the dark cliffs break into the shrouded mist of the ocean. In Denver, you see the skyline of the entire city. Except for the smog, Denver looks pretty , and when it lights up at night, you really can't see the smog at all, even though you know its there, like an ill mannered houseguest who won't leave. Put that out of mind and enjoy the show.

I went Sasquatch on those rocks. Those old red-lava motherfuckers. I scampered about, leaping from huge boulder to huge boulder, playing, really. Making impossible jumps and short-burst climbs, moving with terrible speed and awesome selerity.

Found a cave, but didn't explore it. Voices were coming out, and it was pretty secluded. Next time.

I pounced from rock to rock like an animal, and perhaps I am, or was anyway. It felt good to let the beast in me roam, have a little reign, let it off the leash for an hour or two.

There was a fifteen foot cliff to scale to get to the vista of Denver I wanted to see, just down the trail from the far edge of the upper parking lot, in case you want to find it, and it has a crack all the way through it about six to six and a half feet up. After that it breaks a little into something steeper than a 45 degree angle. It was nothing. Working out pays huge dividends.

But really, you can walk around it if you want to take an indoor type of girl with you.

Sat on the ledge and smoked some more killer sensimilla. Kids shouted at their parents about me below in the ampitheatre itself. No matter. Just stay tucked away, so the cops don't ruin my day. Which they won't. Its posted 'area closed' and 'no tresspassing' and I believe they would love it if you obeyed, but no one does, and there is no enforcement.

Changed the oil and my air filter in my car on Sunday. Then I took it for the obligatory victory lap. Wanted badly to go up to Lake Dillon and sit on the 'suicide memorial bench' while watching the sun set, but I was too late. It was a striking sunset, and I watched perched on Lookout Mountain. Buffalo Bill is buried there, but not where I chilled out.

After noticing nothing but the smog the last time I was at Lookout Mt., I despise Lookout Mt.

So I found a place where I could just stare at the sunset, and the sky as the purple and magenta clouds drifted by, and it was cool. Smoked some more grass, but I pretty much smoked constantly all weekend.

It was okay.

Then Sunday, after the Simpsons, roomie had a video tape that he ordered sent to the library so he could view it. An Amnesty International video about Rwanda.


The video footage was disturbing. At least a little bit. Piles of bodies. Piles of arms. Kids missing limbs. Bodies all over. Skulls in the streets. Skulls in the churches, which were death chambers.

Apparently, europe created an imbalanced social structure, (according to Amnesty International, which did not document tribal relations before Belgian interference in the social stratification of Rwanda), by placing the Tutsi in control, who represent 15% of the population. The Hutu, tired of repression, one day, after the culmination of years of hatred and manipulation of propoganda and political events, rose up in bands of forty, and simply slaughtered their neighbors. Common citizens, and murder on an obscene scale.

Disturbing. Disturbing how easily we revert to be animals. We've been animals far longer than men. Its still no excuse.

So Don and I got really stoned before watching it, and the singular focus and excruciating sensitivity was a bit much for this kinda' viewing. It was like humanities class. I hated hunanities class. I'm human. I'm ethical. I Don't Need To See These Things. I don't need to be reminded about man's inhumanity to man. I'm well aware. Show it to Slobodon Milosivec, who must be running like a roach from the inevitable shit-storm right now. He needed to see it more than me.

It was roomie's idea, really. I asked him if he had anything he wanted to talk about. He demurred. But he does.

I feel a lot of satisfaction changing the oil in my car. Its silly. I love knowing that I can keep a car running forever. I can change anything. Its a good feeling.

So the evening wore down, and we all went to bed. I was the last one, as is my wont. I like being the last one asleep, creeping about the house while everyone sleeps, keeping them safe, getting time alone, after the world has shut down, and all that's left are re-runs of Simon & Simon. I know a lot of things are going wrong all over. But I can't help but feel good. What's the point in beating myself up over things that are simply beyond my influence?

Accept life. Be sad. Roll with the hits. Find happiness somehow. That 's life.

Still need to find the Right Girl.

I know she's out there, somewhere, ready for a torrid six month relationship, for wild times and thrills.

And some decent conversation. And Intimacy. Cuddling. Fucking. Sharing. The whole nine...


Soon come, bubba. Soon come.





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