
Television Is Evil
2001-06-07 - 3:15 p.m.

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Televison seems to be educating us all.

The merit of this education is questionable.

T.V. shows are typically funded by advertisment revenue.

Advertisment dollars are spent to sell their product, regardless of norms, mores, or moral values.

Advertisers are the people who ultimately determine how and in what T.V. veiwers are educated, because they fund the t.v. shows.

T.V. shows and advertisers use celebrities to help market their products.

Celebrieties make art anymore in the selling of persona.

They do not act. They are not actors. Like musicians covering a tune, their personal "spin" determines the final product.

The lighting must be right. They must always look beautiful.

Actors will frequently look ugly, and the lighting may not be the most flattering, but may be right for the scene.

Celebrities are small corporations. They market their persona, get the close-up and correct lighting, to furthur market themselves, and increase the value of their corporation.

Society deifies them.

This deification raises a celebrities' value and marketability.

Which means more money in the form of endorsments, product shots, and movie deals.

Which are funded by private corporations, marketing their product.

Who buy advertising.

Which fund T.V. shows.

Which are on television.


Televison seems to be educating us all...


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