
Stone Cold Snubbed
2003-04-03 - 2:06 a.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

One of the more disappointing things about meeting people you went to highschool with, and haven't seen in years, is the 'recap'.

The recap sucks.  There is no winning, with the recap.

If you're doing phenomenal, and living an awesome life, you come off as an asshole, when you toss phrases like, 'Well, I was in Venice, and then later that summer I partied in a celebritie's house in Aspen.'.

And if you're doing shitty, you come off as a loser in the game of life.

There is no win.  No win!

Anyway, so there is this one girl who suddenly sprung up at a local gas station.  My friends avoid it like the plague for just that reason, the recap.

We went to high school.  We always talked.  I think she might have had a crush on me, while I was just...repressed and way into getting high.  We talked a lot in high school  I saw her a couple of times in college, when I was no longer repressed whatsoever, and way, way way more into getting high.

She always had a hot body, but a facial expression that looked permanently pissed.  Many times I would sit in class and just ogle, only to be put off by the pissed off facial expressions.

Not that she was mad or anything.   I always thought she like me checking her out.

It was just her face.

Anyway, I stopped into the gas station awhile ago, and received a complete denial of recognition.  This may have something to do with the fact that she dropped out of college, has a child, is unmarried and works in a gas station, I don't know.  I don't assign value to people based solely on their occupation.  Its just how I work.

My friends crowded around to hear the story the first time.  I'm not sure why.  When I finished it, one looked at me, and said, "She snubbed you.  She's a snubber."

"What?"  I said.

"She denied recognition, even after you made eye contact and said her name.  She snubbed you.  She's a snubber."  He said.

"Fuck her, y'know, I'm never going there for gas again."  another said.

"Well,"  I said,"It might have something to do with her being unmarried, having a kid, and having to work forty hours plus a week at a gas station." 

"AND she dropped out of college."  said another.

"Yeah, that, too."  I said.

"Fuck her,"  said one friend, "She's a snubber."

Well, whatever. 

So I go there today, and buy gas.  Twenty dollars.  As I'm filling it up at the pumps, I see her looking at me from inside the store.  Our eyes meet.  And I wasn't entirely sure what to do. After all, I'm pumping gas, and didn't want to do something stupid like raise one arm awkwardly , wave and loudly say "HI JENNY!".

No, that just won't do.  That is not a part of me, and is not true to myself.

I made eye contact for a dangling moment, then stared off to the left a little.

Dammit.  Did I just snub her?  Fuck.  I like to have the moral high ground in these situations.  But what rules of conduct am I bound by at the petrol station.  Am I required to do anything at all?  For fucks sake, I'm just there to buy gas. Whatever, y'know?

The car filled up, and it was ninteen ninety eight. I pumped in the extra two cents. Round numbers are cool.

And I walk into the store, head down a bit as I rifle through my pockets, picking out cards and wads of twenties.

And I can't find the card I wanted.

"Hey, Jen,"  I say suavely, "How's your day coming along?"

"Good."  she says quietly then slips in clerk demeanor, "Twenty dollars?"

Hmm.  Now, did I just get snubbed back?  And where the hell is my card.  I'm pulling gas cards, bank cards, even a platinum card that I borrowed for the day.  She's watching, thinking god knows what. 

"Screw it." I say, and plunk down a twenty.

She rings it up and says nothing.  Odd.  This feels like a snubbing.  At least, I think its a snubbing. We've known each other since the sixth grade.  Yeah this is a snubbing.

"Thank you, sweetie," I drawled, and walked out the door.

Yeah, she's a snubber.  Found the card in the console of my card, the ONLY thing I missed.

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