
Sketchy Saturday Night
2001-06-18 - 4:01 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

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Me:"Sounds like that's all about jailtime to me."

The night, indeed the whole weekend had taken a Turn for the Weird. Here I was, 40 minutes past ingesting LSD, in some strange house, after watching some of the sketches I hooked up with ingest lots of meth, and then invite me to go break into some reputable business.

Sketch-y. The definition of 'sketched out'.

The weekend had quite literally blindsided me. I departed work at a quater to noon on friday and never looked back. i had to attend a retirment luncheon for my boss. I have never seen so many post-menopausal women crying under one roof in my entire life, and I've been to plenty of funerals.

I left the luncheon, and skipped out on the rest of the day of work, becasue it was sunny, and hacky-sacked and toked all through the park. Not enough girls out that early to make me happy.

And I smoked more weed, calling it an early night.

The next night I was ready for some action, whatever form that action may take.

Now in the past few months my roomates and friends have all found girlfriends. I take some credit for that, and the deservedness of this is open to debate.

Meantime, that leaves me alone, searching still for the Right Girl, while they go get whipped, and tied to a leash.

Undaunted, I went out for the evening on my own.

This is a new phenomena for me. But what the hell. Lots of my friends do it. Its called 'lone wolfing' and all the master poon pullers I know and admire swear by it as the best way to find a girl.

I decided to start at the Park, thining i might know someone there, but likely not.

Turns out I did, and after unintentionally running down the girl sitting next to me and chatting up a couple of others, I went and smoked weed outside with some of the people I knew.

The girl next to me was an annoying type of sweetheart, wanting of the attention, lacking in the depth or intelligence to get it w/o annoying others. I felt bad about running her down later, but damn, conversation was tough. At one point, she was mocking the bartender who was on the phone, by pantomiming his behavior. At that point I started in, after a few breif flirtations earlier.

Me: "So this is what you do, annoy bartenders?"


Me: "Is there a lot of money in that?"

She:"Yeah. It pays well."

Me:"You're a professional."


Me:"When did you turn pro?"

And so on and so forth. Originally, she gave me the look, like I had challenged her 'Oh, so you think I'm annoying?", but I just wanted to have fun. I could've redressed it by saying something like, 'I don't think, you're annoying, I think you're a sweetheart.' or something, but I didn't. I got involved in this long, kind-of odd conversation, whose basic point and riffs were running this girl down for being annoying. Whoops.

After smoking down, I left and went to the Rhino Room.

Rhino Room is usually cool, but this time it sucked. Talked to some guy who tried to puff himself up, by saying he was in promotions, promotionals, and show stunts, but really was in charge of the 'Batman' show at the local amusment park.

I cowed an obnoxious group of guys, and took off.

Kinda' like being on my own. Set my own agenda. Move at my caprices. Its okay.

Went and got some water. Midway through drinking, I usually get a little dehydrated. This helped enormously, and I did not have anything even approaching a hang-over the next day.

Then I stopped at the Goosetown Pub.

I was calling it the Goostewon (pronounced goos'-teh-whan'), because I misspelled it months and months ago in an entry, and for some reason, this has stuck in my head.

And then sketchiness ensued. Upon entry, I found a sketchy motherfucker that I had tripped with in Boulder last fall. Classic job switching, low-talking, long haired sketch. Serious low talker.

I had went with a friend to a String-Cheese show (i think...), and had met him there. He was tripping, I was tripping. So we all headed up to the mountains. After watching Boulder become indistingusihable from the clear night sky ( it was as if the mountain was the entire world, and we were bathed and surrounded by was beautiful and Beyond Words), we sojurned furthur back into the hills. Took awhile. No worries. After that, I ran into him several different times in odd places. Lastly at a hippie bar called 'Quixote's', where he claimed to have gone down on this crazy and cute little blonde girl in back and swore she was 'girlfriend material'. I neglected to tell him she was making eyes at me, and lots of other guys in the bar that night. Hadn't seen him again, until now.

After hashing out where I knew Jim, he quickly offered to hook me up with some acid.

Well, why not?

Considering the circumstances, it made perfect sense. I had been smoking Dunhill Superior Milds all evening. Something truly strange was bound to happen.

So I grabbed some cash and walked to this house, making small talk, buying acid.

Dealer double-dropped them for me, rather than single. Not sure why. Lots of LSD dealers do that, usually to squeeze more dough out of a customer. Whatever. Now I have hallucinogenics for my birthday.

We smoked a lot of grass. And then a couple of them bought some crystal meth, broke out some tinfoil and a toilet paper cardboard tube, and started going to town like co-dependent drug fiends, with one holding the foil and drugs, and the other hooting through the tube and lighting..

They offered, but I declined.

And so I ate some of the still drying acid. The others went onto the porch and smoked. I made small talk with the dealer.

Eventually, one peeped his head up to the screen.


Me:"What are you doing?'

Dude:(pause)"___________ left their back door open. They're going to go inside. You down?"

Me:"Sounds like that's all about jail-time to me."

Dealer;"Me, too."


Now this is just sketchy as hell. Not sure if they went through with it, don't want to know.

So I left after some more small talk, not feeling exactly right, but still blaming it on the weed.

Got home and tripped quite well. Good laughs. Especially South Park. When the bus driver squeezed the slime coated Kenny look-alike from her vagina, and he left a snail trail on the steps on which she dropped him, I laughed my ass off.

In general, hallucinogenics make life fun. Like the really bad stretch of TV from 3 am to 5 am. Even the commercials will entertain and delight. Very drawn in, was I, to the parade of bullshit on late-night T.V. Good visuals.

Then I went into the back, and caught a glimpse of the moon, and a planet, which i think was Venus, nearly incandescent in the naescent sunrise.

Truly striking, I stood stock still for what seemed to be an eternity. The planet was shining huge and gorgeous, much larger than any planet I've ever seen.

Watched the sunrise on the porch while I organized my thoughts and goals for the next period and steps of my life.

Decided I like lone wolfing. Its helping me get my timing back, quickly. Will do it again, soon.

Went to bed and crashed out while tripping hard, coming upon the state where the body sleeps, but the mind is still present, thinking. Very surreal. I recommend trying it once, but not too much more than that.

Eventually truly slept, mind and body.

Woke up, and Roomie's girlfriend's dog began to bark and wail at me as soon as I walked into the kitchen, as smooth tirty seconds after I woke up.

This is my existance.


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