
Seven Goddam Up
2003-04-07 - 12:13 a.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

When I was in parochial school as a tender boy of six years old, the teacher played this scam game with us.  It was called "Seven-up."  She even ripped off the name.

The teacher selected seven kids to start the game.  Then, they'd shout (in unison), SEVEN-UP!, (fuck punctuation) and the class would put their heads down with their fists extended.

The chosen seven would roam the classroom, and select one person each, signified by tapping their hands, upon which the selected person would stick up their thumb, signifying that they had been "chosen".

When everyone was done, the first seven would stand up and try to chose from the line up, the person who chose them

Oh, it was a great game, full of lies, trickery and deception.  The really pathetic kids were the ones that would stand up and pretend that they got chosen, when they actually hadn't.  Malajusted losers, seeking attention.  Morons.

If you picked the person that chose you, then you got to be one of "the seven", and that person would take their seat.  Some would cry.  I don't know why.  I cried for different reasons.

The cycle would then repeat itself.

What a scam.  The teacher would just sit there and correct papers.  And how long could it take to correct a first or second grade assignment?  She sat there all godam afternoon while we amused ourselves with that scam of a game gleefully unaware all the time that we were being manipulated and played for fools.

I suppose, in a way, it prepared us for life. 

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