
Clearing the Decks
2001-07-28 - 4:33 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

Sometimes its important to clear the decks, and clean out the cobwebs.

So that's what I'm doing.  Cleaning my room, and I will trip tonight.  Not in my room, necessarily.  But the analogy works.  Part of my "deck" will be clear, and the cobwebs will be brushed out.

Clearing the decks is essential, as long as I'm not stupid about it.  Napolean was stupid about it.  He sold the Louisana Purchase for a pittance to focus on his Continental Strategy.  Clearing the decks.

I'm not Napolean, nor do I own millions of acres of land.

I don't know if I'd want to be Napolean.

That would mean I'd be French, with poor hygene, and a strange love for Jerry Lewis.  I'd also be short and have a gimp hand.

So I don't think I'd want to be Napolean.

Drawing from his lesson, though, I will clear the decks carefully, so as to not make a poor decisions with regard to real estate deals.

Of course, I don't yet own any real estate. 

But, at least my room will be clean. 

I doubt Napolean could say that for himself.

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