
Bulletin From The Editor's Desk
2001-08-06 - 12:44 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

Welcome to GoLive CyberStudio 3

I've been holding back.

Censoring myself, which is unproductive.

Pure stream of conciousness here at Saintly Stories.

So, I think I will post a bunch of stuff, which I have written in the past week or so, but didn't post, feeling inhibited.

Or at least, most of it.

That means there will be many posts today.

Some of its good, some of its not.

Some half baked and still born, some thought out.

I'll try not to compromise and censor anymore.

My weekend roundup, which is the prior entry, is today's real entry.

The rest of this is just reflective of what I thought and felt at that moment, with little linkage to the present that I can divine, other than feeling complacent and inhibited, and a reaction to that.


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