
2008-01-06 - 10:55 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook


I love the Wikipedia.

Use of the wikipedia of those things.  If you look up a pop-culture subject, you're likely to come up with trash.

But if you have a taste for basic info on more esoteric or historical grounds, wikipedia is actually useful.  Ive spent some time tripping through its pages, learning of things as I was wont to do.

Honestly?  Public school should have been a little bit like that.  Give me access to information, let me sort through it and learn as I would.  I am insatiable in that way.

Anyway,  a couple of things about my search:

1)  A few months ago I had a kidney infection which led to an incredible fever.  In my fever dream, I appealed to St. Michael.  I had the urge to do so for a few weeks prior, but fought the urge.  Being brought up Protestant...prayers to angels are a bit verboten.  

I don't identify as Protestant anymore, but still the notion seems a bit odd.  I'm not sure where I stand on the subject of angels.  In terms of theology, I always thought they were a bit useless.

Practically speaking, if you're omnipotent, as God is, or should be, you really don't need a special creation to do your bidding.  All of creation WILL do your bidding at your slightest whim, being that you are omnipotent.

Then again, in terms of freewill, maybe this necessitates the creation of angels.  I'm not sure on that point.

So, like I said, I'm not sure I necessarily belive in angels or not.

But anyway, I prayed the
Prayer to St. Michael .  I'm not sure if the fever broke or not.  The next day I went to the emergency room and got an IV of levaquin.

At the time, though, I got the sense of drawing the attention of an extremely powerful being.  In a sense, in my feverish state, I was allowed to see St. Michael in a manner that my substandard sensory systems could handle without being overwhelmed, and, as such, this fact was communicated to me.

So, as much as I could sense, he was near.  And he was...far larger than I could comprehend.

It was as if I could only see a certain amount, like...he could only fit on the size of my 'monitor', before I had to scroll and re-comprehend again.

I could see from the bottom of his robes to his knee.  Then my mind would have to close off some  (my third eye...?, in eastern metaphysical speak?), shfit, and then I could see another part, say from his knee to his waist, and so on.  He was so incredibly enormous it was almost overwhelming.  I was scared of regarding his face, and I don't acurrately recall perceiving it.  What I can extract from the delerium was attempting to glimpse, and being overwhelmed, and the connection, or perception rather, being lost or broken.  As if the light was too much, and because of this light I could not see, and was overwhelmed, even as I was being permitted to see, or...rather...protected enough to see.

And, like I said, the fever did seem to lift enough for me to be able to drive to the emergency room the next day.  I believe it did, although I have no independent scientific verification (i.e. thermometer).

Did this happen?  Well, that takes me back to the parable of Chang Tzu and the butterfly...which is real and which is the dream?  How do you know?  (collorary:  prove it)

2)  One of my earliest intruiges in regards to religion and the bible was the fall of the angels and the passage in...deuteronomy, I think, about how angels had come to earth and taken wives, as well as teaching man certain 'forbidden' knowledge, like metallurgy, warmaking, and apparently, cosmetics.

At the time I questioned my teachers as to what happened to the offspring.  Being that I was in 3rd grade, it was explained away and I was generally intimidated from asking too many questions.  I was scoffed at and laughed at to a certain extent, but I could sense the unease of my teachers.

Now my problem exists in two parts:  one, if the Old Testament, or the Bible in general, is supposed to be parables and symbolism of deeper truths and not to be taken literally, what is the point of this?  Why relate the tale of 'horny' angels?

Secondly, if this is supposed to be taken literally...where are the angel children?  Digging into it, I found that the ring-leaders were punished, and the (supposedly giant) half-angel / half-human children were killed under orders of the Most High.  (Azazel, particularly, was bound up by Michael and buried deep under a moutain, until the time of the Apocalypse, where he will then be trotted off to Hell, never to return.  Man, is that a raw deal just for getting some pussy...)

And that begs the question at this point:  if you KNOW there's a God, and you KNOW that he's going to be unhappy with your actions, and you KNOW there are going to be some nasty reprecussions...why go through with it?  Supposedly in the
Book of Enoch it details the two ring-leaders taking an oath regarding the seduction of women and likely the perversion of the course of human history, which amounted to: hey, we know what we're about to do, we don't want to be left out to do it alone...lets all do it together), but any being as intelligent and powerful as an angel, having clear and present proof either first or second hand of the existence of the All just doesn't add up to a whole lot of sense.

And to think of it... there is almost a romantic sense of rebellion...of living for the moment, consequences be damned, rebelling to grasp a moment of life...grasping that bountiful excruciating beauty of time passing, of the fleeting pleasures of unbridled excastsy and dominion, and trading a lifetime of servitude for that. forgiveness.  Not an option, as these angels had to have already seen what happened to Lucifer. you do this knowing that what you've done is pay for these moments with an eternity of infinite suffering?

So, if one is to take the Bible as parable and symbolism...what is to be learned?

If one is to take the Bible literally...why is this truncated so much in the canon, when its clearly an important episode in the history of humankind?  Admittedly an aberration that was tidly 'cleaned up' out of the gene-pool...but...

Why include it then?  What's the point?

So, at any rate, why is it there?




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