
Mind Control
2007-12-10 - 10:08 a.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

mind-control In the end, the mind-control of the american populace is incredible.  

It starts with the educational system pumping out kids who never think to question 'why' or 'who benefits', and ends with them sitting on the couch, eating McDonalds and cursing out Paris Hilton for being a useless whore (like their church and the republicans tell them to) while still tuning into her every move on the television.

Every TV show reinforces normative thinking.  The media frowns on dissent and serves as a mouthpiece for the elite, selectively reinforcing what they choose and ignoring as they are told.

The Churches teach sumbmission.

The Central Bank, the Federal Reserve determines how much their house payment and car payment is.  So the people  slave away to pay off interest on money that was created out of thin air by a collection of wealthy and powerful men.

And all along their taught to just do as they're told, to go with the flow, not buck the system and everything will be allright, as their standard of living, their rights, which were paid for by the blood of patriots are slowly eroded.

Soon, the credit supply will tighten in America, as the wealthy and powerful trigger another 'business cycle', and reap another massive transfer of wealth, as homes across America go under and they buy these up at pennies on the dollar.

Eventually the media will come forward with some new-age idea about another way to control the populace and extol its virtues to the public, all the while swindling us all into wearing yet another slave-collar.

(What makes the wealthy and powerful hate us so?)

They fiercely defend their system because it is a house of cards, tumbled by the most passing of gentle breezes.

I hope for a time when someone will stand up, and show us that this is NOT the way it has to be.  That there is enough for all, and that we can provide for all our needs.

Imagine:  a house, a car, and all energy needs provided by renewable energy, like solar power.  

Imagine:  not being a slave to your possessions.  Having the comforts of a home without having to be away from it for 80 percent of your time to pay for it.

Imagine:  bountiful, healthy food for all

Imagine:  having your health cared for

Imagine:  being as educated as you would please

Imagine:  being safe from crime, from the fear of tyrrany, from terrorist as they will no longer exist

You don't need to imagine.  This would exist, this world DOES exist, here, right now, if we but want it.  If we can but raise our heads from the trough and the slave fields to demand what is right.  If we can budge ourselves out of our sluggish coma of mind-control.

They are afraid of this happening.  They are afraid for their power.  They are afraid for their copious wealth and possessions.  Because if we are educated and aware, we will demand true equality for all.  For basic dignities.  

For life.

But as it is, raising the clarion bell of dissent is difficult.  If we continue to stagnate in such a manner, it will only become more and more difficult to rouse the populace into indignation at their condition, rather than saying, 'well, at least I dont have it as bad as THOSE guys'.

If we can dream of a better world, we can have it.

Lift your head up and step into the light.  Be aware.  The time will come, the opportunity will come.

And when it does, do not let it pass you idly by.

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