
2005-11-14 - 10:54 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

I've always wanted to be successful for writing my memoirs.

The thing is, one has to be successful prior to the writing of one's memoirs for the writing of one's memoirs to be successful.  Because everyone loves a happy ending.

Failures only seem to be passing, because everyone knows the person writing the memoirs is a big success.  The trials and travails seem trivial, and give us hope that if this unbelievable fuckup can do it, we ALL can.

I stand steadfastly by the statement that you can make anything entertaining or worthwhile if you simply write WELL about it.  For the life of me, I'm not really too sure how marketable the statement "so I was masturbating seven to ten times a day in adolescence" would be.

But Im sure if I wrote well enough about it, it would be worthwhile.

As ever, editing is key.  And knowing when to write is as important as knowing when NOT to write.

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