
New Orleans Overload
2005-09-04 - 3:45 a.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

I've been on New Orleans overload for awhile now.  I take a break and I can watch some more, but I hit overload fast.  I start getting teary-eyed and I know that I've had enough for now.

That's probably sad.  Sad as in pathetic.  I can't stand to look at someone's life, yet they're living it.  Abandoned, lost.

The breakdown in the chain of command goes all the way to the top.  And the failures of our government is that ignominous type of bigotry that really eludes a name.  Its not that they don't want to help black people, its just that they're not in any sort of rush because they know there is no money in it for them.

And that's more and more where the socio-economic divide falls.  Yes, racisim is alive and well in America, of that there is no doubt.  But being that this is a disadvantaged sector of the population they had no means to get out.  One could very well make the statement, "You know, if there were 100,000 white middle class suburbanites trapped in New Orleans, they wouldn't have had to wait a week to get helped out."

Thing is, they have the money to provide and cover services.  Also what is misleading about that statement is that even the least socially networked middle class family could have afforded to extract themselves from the situation sans government intervention.  And that's the rub.  The government is there to protect the least of us, not the most advantaged, and since the seventies the American government has taken a hard turn in favor of corporations and wealthy citizens.

So, yeah, lots of beauracracy trying to save the black folks in New Orleans.  Imagine that, republicans with no drive to save dirt poor black people.  Shocking.  And now I hear that they will leave those they cannot find, that at some point, the search and rescue has to be called off.

Which is horseshit.  There are still many that survive that they cannot find.

Even worse is Fox News in america.  They are at the various refugee centers, well away from the worst parts of New Orleans, and if you listened to them, every thing was a sunny day.  The people optimistic and fresh faced with success stories.  And, according to them, the government is doing a fine job.

Its reprehensible.  Its lies.  Outright lies, that, if repeated often enough, will be believed by many in my country.  I read an article in the New York Times about a man who does research on the science knowledge level of american citizens.  He found that 1 in 5 believe that the sun revolves around the earth.  Digest that motherfucker if you will, and google yourself a date concerning Copernicus.  That's how behind and easily led that segment of the population is.  And if they listen to the mouthpiece of this degenerate, incompetent, stagnant, backwards administration often enough, they will believe what they hear.

Meanwhile, CNN is grilling the head of FEMA and is a step away from calling for his resignation with their coverage.  MSNBC turns up freshly murdered bodies with each newscast, and CNN and MSNBC both have assisted in rescues, uniting split families, and encounted neighborhoods and citizens who have not yet seen any national guard troops.

Yep, gretta van sustern on fox had all nice things to she sat at the astrodome in houston in a directors chair and a bottle of water nearby.  Geraldo Rivera threw himself into harms the Louis Armstrong Internation airport on the outskirts of town, where CNN broadcast its entire morning coverage.  Fox doesn't even function as a journalistic outfit anymore.  They do not shine the light of truth where it needs to go, in the service of us all.

Meanwhile, as the Ol' Fey administration stumbles and struggles to get its pants up from its ankle's while stopping from fucking America for five minutes to clean up a mess, sent pundits from the administration to Fox news to argue FOR drilling in the Antarctic Wildlife Refuge.  Its worth noting that they had no argument for the fact that tapping the wildlife reserve will only provide 2 percent of our oil needs.  2 percent.  And they laud it as a measure to remove our dependence on foreign oil.  Even when confronted with the fact, they simply ignored it, and, in true Bush administration style, sought to minimize the size of the administration's bungling, as well as minimize the disaster and marginalize the victims.

People are dying, and they are trying to use it as an excuse to rape a wildlife preserve.

Greedier than weasels on speed in a henhouse. 

And more and more this is as much about failures all the way to the top, as it is of racisim all the way to the top. 

I saw Bush tour the striken areas.  At one point he brought to young black girls under his arms.  Then he awkwardly kissed one on the head after a minute for no apparent reason other than the cameras were there.  You could almost see him think it painfully through as he executed the manuver.

Well, with Clinton it would be natural.  And you'd be scared for the girl on certain levels.

But as incompetent as this administration is, this man will go down later in the century as the most ineffective bungler since Warren G. Harding.  Warren had a taste for the help like Clinton did, but, unfortunately was as ineffective as a limp dick at an orgy.  At least Bill got shit done. 

2 days to air drop food in Indonesia.  5 days to get food to New Orleans.

Its not right.  Its not right. Its not right.



And to any people who want to take this opportunity to use this disaster to pick on a segment of society, like the Chrisitian right thinking this is God's punishment for New Orleans tolerating the gays:  Go Fuck Yourselves.  You are Wrong.  Stop your babbling, your inner monologue and just help people, ok?

Take this quote from an article from Reuter's, for another example of people who are Wrong:

"I am absolutely disgusted. After the tsunami our people, even the ones who lost everything, wanted to help the others who were suffering," said Sajeewa Chinthaka, 36, as he watched a cricket match in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

"Not a single tourist caught in the tsunami was mugged. Now with all this happening in the U.S. we can easily see where the civilized part of the world's population is."

Yep.  Nothing like kicking people when they're down, asshole.  Real civilized of you.

Look, you can bag on my government all you want, and you're really not going to get an argument out of me.  American foreign policy has been extremely ruthless many times. Even still, we haven't approached the carnage some other countries throughout history.  The British, German, Italian, French, and Mongolian histories are soaked in the blood of the innocent.  America is a young, spastic country that is still finding itself.  The population is mindfucked by a broken educational system and mass media predicated on mind control.  They want to do right when led in the right direction, but are kept sedate with bread and circuses while men of malevolent ambition seek to rule the world.  Its not right, its not an excuse, but it is what it is.

So what's with you, jack-ass?

Lets see...Sri ended an ethnic civil war in 2002, which killed tens of thousands of people, and you're sitting in judgement?   How many Tamil's have sought refuge from your 'civil' violence in the west? About 200,000 at last count.  With 700,000 that have fled the voilence since the eighties.  Nearly a million displaced by violence.

Yep, you must be more 'civil' than us.

Suck me, you 'civilized' pig. 

Fucking asshole. 

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