
Critical Thinking Skills
2005-08-08 - 10:52 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

I wish we could put more emphasis in America to teaching critical thinking skills in high school and college.

At this point I don't care if someone is democrat or republican, but I do care that they know why they are for which chosen side.� I have my own proclivities, and it seems like the christian right has hijacked the republican party, making the republican party their "bitch".� Put another way, the Scopes monkey trial ended years ago, but here we have the President sing-songing some bullshit about 'intelligent design' which is a judas goat for 'creationisim' and teaching faith in school.

No, I'd really rather have a nation of people who instead of 'hatin' them queers' or 'fags shouldn't marry' or 'bush'll kill them a-rabs' will know exactly HOW their being manipulated by the news, by the print, by commercials and consumerisim. I would love to have them know what the purpose of television is.� (and its not entertainment, by way of a clue.� not by a long-shot).

I want them to understand why they think the things they think.� How those thoughts got in there in the first place.� I want them to know exactly what all these people are trying to get from them, or take from them.� I want them to understand how other people and cultures live.� I want them to know how their actions not only affect us, but the rest of the world as well.

I want to pull the wool away from their eyes because nothing will change until they are enlightened.� Americans aren't bad people, we're just the subject of one massive mind fuck that is centuries away from ending.� They want to do the right thing.� They are good people.

The potential is there for greatness, but sadly I can see only history repeating itself.

Wake up!� Why do you do the things you do?

Why are things this way?

Who benefits at the end of the day?� Who benefits from a lifetime of your hard work?

Why do people say there isn't enough to go around, but some have millions of times the amount of resources that you do?

Why do some people live hand to mouth from the food they grow from the soil, and other families will never, ever have to work again and have every caprice indulged, every whim fulfilled?

Why do we have to have the largest, most dangerous set of armed forces in the world?

I wish I could start a religious cult based on teaching critical thinking skills.� We would be marketed virally.� The revolution would proceed over the internet, the ruling elite wouldn't know what happened until it was over.

And then there would be enough for everyone.� And everything could be better for everybody.

We will never see critical thinking skills taught en' masse.� It does not serve the purpose of a sedate, easily controlled populace.

But Will and Grace sure does!� I wonder if that guy is gay?� Hey, I wonder what raymond is up to?� That Brad guy makes me laugh.� Oooh, and that new SUV is out.� I should buy that, man would I look cool, just like the ad says.� And maybe some more snacks. Hey! NASCAR is on!

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