
Bullshit I wrote as I got warmed up to write
2004-11-17 - 11:47 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

And what is it with guys and shitting in public places?

To me, defecation in public is one of the worst things.  My toilet is my toilet.  My throne.  I have no desire to mingle my ass sweat with that of the general populace.  It creeps me out to sit on a public bowl.

At first, at least.  And then you get used to it, and then that freaks me out, too.

But some guys, I swear, cannot wait to get out into the world and move their bowls.  Its like they wait for it, and then as soon as they can subject someone else to their noxious ass fumes, they cut loose.

I mean, what the fuck?  You should be ashamed.  Shit in your own place, dont make us deal with your stink.

Of course, there's always the guys at the gym who have to shit in the bathroom in the lockerroom, just because they can.  Well, maybe its due to some musclehead concoction that gives them bad fact, scratch that, its totally about that, I'd bet.  Holy shit they pump themselves up with some bullshit nowadays.  Protien powders, weight gainers, to say nothing of the testosterone, ghb, and flat out 'roids, all to be bigger than the daddy of their memory that used to beat the shit out of them every day.  Yeah, news for you 'roid freak, you'll NEVER be as big as you want, you'll NEVER be bigger than daddy was to you when you were five...or NOW for that matter.  You're weak in character and we should put a muzzle of a .45 to the back of your brain, because monkey's dont surf, and only the powerful survive.  Indeed, shoot the meek and unwilling, and lets find the corpse of pohl pot, along with millions of murdered cambodians in our march back to an agrarian society.  I will sit in the middle of my carfully tended garden of anarchy, a content pig taught mysef to walk on two legs and sacrifice the horse to the glue factory for the good of the farm....good ol' boxer, he was a champ, and he holds my woodworking shit together.


Vonnegut once when asked 'how's the writing going', opined that it was miserable work, to which his agent replied, 'I never knew a blacksmith in love with his anvil'.

Writing for so long has been a pleasurable thing.  But constraints, as contstraints go, are a nuisance, and logic must sometimes be chucked out the window, just for the gleefulness of shit-chucking all the smarmy bullshit that goes with it.

Fuck your logic, I say.  I see the world as I see it, and I dont believe all the bs anyway.  I especially hate how they come up with all these studies that prove that coffee is good for you, stress is bad, sleep is good etc.  Yes, you want us to be contented, busy little beavers.  Got it, powers that be.  No tengo mas questiones.

And when did it become wrong to question things?  To raise your head up and have an opinion contrary to the masses?  When did it become un-patriotic?  As my friend said the other day, when did being liberal turn into such a horrible thing?

I'm going to get some sleep, a good amount, so I can drink coffee and be a contented little busy bee tomorrow.

I swear, though, I accept it as true, we should be laying around naked, in gigantic orgies, eating fruits off the vine.  All this modern interlude is just bullshit.  Eventually technology will lead us back to that point, as we realize what a mistake trying anything else was.

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