
The Real America
2004-07-28 - 3:11 a.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

Sometimes I think there are two americas

not like john edwards

or any other phony politician may think,

and they're ALL phonies, dont kid yourself,

I like to romanticize, think things may be better than they seem,

the glitz and glamor of LA, the self obsessed ego of New York,

the trendiness, the starlets and models, maybe these are america

then I remember that no one articulate is truly american

we like our politicians to have a twang of redneck in them,

maybe its because we think that they might have some honesty,

or maybe its because it reminds us of ourselves

of the real america

the one you dont see on tv

the swollen, morbidly obeese america

the suv-driving-while-your-daughter-has-another-kid-from another-dad america

the america that watches wrestling and NASCAR

who wears cowboy boots and cowboy hats, but never goes near a cow,

who drink until they puke, sleep with girls young enough to be their children

and bitch about the price of gas, america

who has fat children of fat parents eating cream cheese stuffed french toast soaked in maple syrup at IHOP, america,

the america who likes bad movies and bad music

monster truck america, tractor pull america,

shit kickin america,

mullet wearing, gut having, laughing at hee haw reruns america

stupified by tv, america

mollified by patriotism, america

the sedate, inert, take-no-prisoners, take-no-guilt

no-acountability-for nothin' america



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