
We March To The Beat of War Drums
2001-09-13 - 9:26 a.m.

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We are already marching to the beat of war drums, when we should be humming the mournful dirges for our sorrowful dead.

Propaganda has greased the wheels of retaliation smoothly. Within the half hour of the disaster, Osama Bin Laden's name had been mentioned by every major news outlet.

Personally, and I said this before, I don't care if he did it. For the crimes he has already perpetrated his life should already be forfeit.

It all seems too pat. Too simple. Too easy. Our old boogeyman did it. And that's it.

In watching the news, I have seen his name linked to every military tragedy that has befallen the US in recent years. The embassy bombings. The USS Cole. The soldiers dragged through the streets of Magadishu. The foiled milennium plots. The original WTC bombing. I watched a former head of the CIA being interviewed last night, and he said specifically that the reality of Osama Bin Laden does not meet the myth of Osama Bin Laden even halfway. The man isn't that capable.

Its hard to know if this is all true. They have greased the wheels so well on this one, hardly anyone is thinking to look back or around. I would not be surprised if we took a swipe at Saddam in some fashion as well. We have the green light to smite our enemies, and it will be done, regardless of their culpability, which, given all the propaganda floating through the media, is tough to assess.

Lots of people are gonna' die soon. That's all I'm really sure of right now.

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