
Walk With Me
2003-05-06 - 12:18 a.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

Happy Cinqo De Mayo.

Memories of visiting my brother at college, having to leave on a sunday, which was Cinqo De Mayo.  Some kids walking around slugging off of a gallon bottle of vodka intermittently doing tequila shots in various dorm rooms.  I wanted to stay.

Then, later, in Denver, watching the change in the city on this day.  Many low riders.  Interesting celebration.  I would've stayed downtown and soaked in the chariacature of humanity, but for some reason the tide of humanity that large social events draw in Denver can be a real bummer raft of hillbillies.  Mullets and missing teeth. Oxygen masks and missing digits.  I still love the place, though.

But that's about it for Cinqo de Mayo.   We should have 365 hollidays a year.  I still cannot shake the feeling that things should be better for us all, rather than having a group of people worth billions of dollars that they cannot even conceptualize, let alone spend rationally.  I mean we all survived off of the fat of the land and lay around fucking all day long in huge communal orgies at one point in human history.  Where did we go wrong?

On sunday I went for a walk in addition to my erstwhile sunday drive.  I walked along, taking pictures, doing my thing.  I ate in the park, and attracted the birds again, but didn't feed them.  An old woman walked by.

"They're mad because you're not treating them right."  she said.


"Let 'em scream."  she said, and scooted along.

Sometimes I think old people have a wisdom I lack, and sometimes I think they're just people who survived.  In the end, it has to do with the person, regardless of age, and I can learn something from anyone, if I just look closely enough with the right eyes and listen.

I walked along and was passed by a cute pettite girl in a maroon shirt.  I meandered up to see her purposefully loitering for me.  There was truly nothing interesting to see where she was looking, and she casually looked at me as I approached.  We made small talk as we went along. It was so nice and simple.  Boy and girl, innocent type stuff.  I fuckin' loved it.

So, if you have a chance in the hustle and bustle of life to find someone to walk with, a random stranger perhaps, take advantage of the opportunity.

It can make you feel good and human.


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