
The Plan
2001-10-22 - 2:23 a.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

Douglas Adams once wrote, "...and it was that particularly harrowing time of Sunday, wherein one has taken all the useful showers one can take..."

I have taken all my useful showers, and the harrowing time is upon me.

This weekend I have read the Book of Revelations, and selections from my Burrough's compilation, Word Virus

I sense fatalisim, I smell it in the air.

My head has been spinning with a plan.  Should I not find a job, I will pack up, and move to L.A., live with a buddy of mine who has been browbeating me to visit, and try out for movie roles, and try to find a place in the entertainment industry where they like my ideas.

Its definitely a fatalistic trip.  Nothing to lose. 

Expectations are low, but definitely a sense of determination and ambition. 

However, should I land a job here, here I stay for awhile. 

Would like to get some snowbarding done.

Then go someplace else, I guess, or get some mojo working here.

I do so want to go back to Europe.

But, after the L.A. venture, perhaps I will take a more serious look at life.  Skulk home for Christmas, and cast an eye towards more schooling.  Number of paths to be had with that.

Computer related certifications to get a good job to pay for law school.  'Rents were talking about me getting an msw.

But to move on, I guess I have to fail.

I'm not so bothered about that.  Its only failure on a certain scale, and that scale is acceptability that one doesn't slide off of, at least, not this early in the game. 

There are all types of failure.  The one I detest the most, and seems to strike the hardest at my heart is the failure to try.



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