
Hey, Sugar, You're So Fine
2001-12-12 - 4:27 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

Another highlight of my Marketplace Musings:

I walked down one aisle, to see a woman stocking sugar.

She was older, pushing forty, and not all that attractive. She had a surly demeanor, and I can only guess why.

(Needs her disco bush snatch licked. ALL problems are solved with oral sex, don't kid yourself.)

Mirthfully, mercuriously, almost, dare I say, spritely, perhaps pixie-ish, maybe, I leaned over in my deep drawl and said, "Hey, Sugar."

She stopped in mid action. Her body went tense.

There was this moment. The type of moment that passes when you just said something hideous and it hangs in the air, like the smoke from an exploding mortar shell, and time stands still for a split second as enemy return fire is aimed.

This was that type of moment.

I took five steps, shuffling down the aisle.

Over my shoulder I heard, "Oh. I get it."

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