
Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain
2001-09-22 - 1:12 p.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

I am not having as much fun with drugs as I used to, so I'm cutting them out for now.

Life is a mixture of the bland, banal, and downright strange.

There are times when I say that I don't need drugs, because life is weird enough as it is, and perhaps this is one of those times.

On the same hand, I remember how much fun I have had with drugs, and sometimes life just seems boring.

Try drinking a six pack, smoking a ton of reefer, dropping some really wicked acid, and then going to the store to buy some ciggarettes.  Its a whole new experience.

Which, I guess, is what I'm saying.

And now the drugs have let me down.  Fuckers.

It seems to be all about paranoia, flashbacks, and bad times these days, which is a drag.  Hopefully, taking at least a break will bring things back to "normal".

But at the present, I do so miss the feeling of being in line at the gas station, ready to jump out of my skin in effusive rants about capitalism and the industrial oil military sydicate, attempting to casually walk up to the counter, suavely pulling out my wallet (with the lines rehearsed a dozen or so times..."10 in gas and a box of marlboro lights please."), accidentally flopping my bag of marijunan on the counter, garbling the lines into some amalagam of "Why yes, my good man, I would like to purchase a box of cancer sticks from your place of purveyance, and gas is also an option", busting out in laughter as a I see my large bag of pot sitting right in front of the cashier, realizing that at this moment I am guilty of more felonies than this poor bastard has ever seen or thought to do in a lifetime, looking up just to notice the odd expression of distrust and fear in the cashiers eyes, barking out my desires like a carnival side show huckster, hoping to bulldoze and balls my way through the transaction, swiping my pot scanalously back into my pocket, spouting "smokes!  smokes!", (thinking, "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!) and slapping a twenty down on the counter that I kept in my other rear pocket just in case of emergency which this surely is.

Ah yes, the good times.

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