
No Goddam Sleep In Sight: Trip Notes pt.3
2001-02-26 - 15:00:42

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Rock-a-billy slut.

Elvis(jeremiah) was still down.

I am a little more coherent now. Perhaps lucid, but I've been staring through stuff with an unyeilding focus all night.

It's...difficult. Now is the easier time for poetry, but have to snuff out the candle on this night of banality and madness.


Really, though, perhaps the madness belonged to me, and my two friends who partook of the psychadelics with me.

And the songs still reverberate in my head...I would like to hear those takes, soon, if possible. I think my guitar work might have a little bit of the electric tang to it. I tried to play within myself, hooked up to earphones for the first time, which really made me aware of the mix, the ebb and flow of the work.

need to come down....working on it, soon come.

My body is crying out for fuel, but food tastes so weird right now.

It was a good trip all-in-all. It brought me into conflict with myself at various points, and now I feel strangley validated, as popping one off is wont to do.

I took a long hard look in the mirror, and this time it was the reflection that brought it all home for me.

What can I say, most painters say the canvas must a least do half of the work, and my canvass spoke to me, and it was good.

thoughts coming in bursts more of the fiendishness, that is long gone, and no more of the hyperfast thoughts in a steady, the come down is headed my way, thankfully.

It set on quick, a few of those rsing vibes, and all of a sudden, total selerity, as long as you keep moving. A few visuals, just the normal smearing around sources of light.


Many thoughts nowm, with a scattered and drifting focus.

i need to approach sleep thoughtfully, and with respect.

hmmmm. *sigh* good fuckin luck.

i don't want to see the sun rise .

hmmmm, *sigh* good fuckin' luck

I like myself. What. Like you expected me to get down on myself?

nah,....i didn't think so.

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