
Mawkish Mutt with MPD Meddling with My Macaroni
2001-08-20 - 3:05 p.m.

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Over the weekend, I ate the "Blue's Clues" version of Kraft maccaroni and cheese.

Who is this "Blue" and what are these "Clues" he's supposed to find?

And how does this involve my mac and cheese?

Is this "Blue" trying to solve a murder?

Does that make my mac and cheese evidence?

Upon futhur reflection, I believe this "Blue" to be the blue dog on the box. The maccaroni is shaped like dog foot prints, with some of these dog foot prints being blue. I like them because they are blue.

Perhaps these are the "Clues".

If these are the "Clues", then "Blue" is tracking himself. Prime detective work.

Maybe "Blue" has Multiple Personality Disorder. One personality commited the crime. The other personality is busy tracking it down, and for some reason the confluence of these two events involve leaving tracks all over my mac and cheese.

That's not cool.

What kind of marketing strategy is this? Buy mac and cheese that is involved in an ongoing investigation? I think not.

Perhaps its a philisophical statement, commenting on my lack of insight or intelligence.

Either way, I keep buying the stuff.

I just want to know what it means.




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