
Leadership Camp
2002-02-01 - 12:34 a.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

When I was a sophomore in High School, I was selected by the teachers, for whatever reason, to go to a leadership camp for a week over the summer.

It was an honor, to be sure. An honor from the Morning Optimists Club wing of the Rotarians or something a fifteen year old kid won't pay attention to in the first place.

So, upon learning that escape was impossible, I set about to make as much mischeif as I possibly could.

Why not.  Anyone buying into the weird concepts they shoveled out at that age should have their head examined.

It was a trite spot, a nice camp by a lake, run by boyscouts of america.

I am not a boyscout, and felt no compunction to honor their traditions.

Revelry was bright and early, so early the sleep clung to everyone like muslin, and after a few days, not even the girls tried as hard in the morning.

Girls were required to wear dresses, and their hair up.  Guys, jacket and tie.

I was fifteen.  It was summer.  My resentment simmered.

I separated myself from my two fellow "winners" and set about for minds that would be equal to what I had in mind.

At first I paired up with a skinny angsty kid who claimed once to get a blowjob during a movie in biology class.  Should've known with small time lies like that, that he wouldn't have an idea of the scope of things I envisioned.

But he tried.  We did a sortie.  

We got ahold of some dirty panties.  Befouled, we ran them up the flagpole, surely to be in evidence next morning at revelry.

Then we set up sprinklers outside the camp administrators cabin, so the path went right inside their cabins, right inside their rooms, right inside their beds.

And truthfully, I did feel a bit better when we turned the water on.






We ran back to our cabin, enjoying a good laugh.  But it was not enough.  I wanted to set the entire place on its ear.

The next morning, after again the bugeler stuggling through revelry, making a mockery of a duty performed with distinction and honor elsewhere, the camp administrator addressed us all.

He was a heavy-set man, with a gut like a bowling ball, dressed in full boy scout, eagle scout regalia.

"I would like to thank those that were responsible for the shower we received last night.  I was not aware I was in so dire a need, nor that my body odor offended so, and actually, with the heat of last night, it was quite refreshing.  I think I can expect, with the maturity of you young people who have been selected by your communities, that this will not happen again.

Also, if you want to lay claim to those panties, you will have to wrestle me for it."

I went through the next day of bullshit, managing to pick up an admirer.  Kiara.

She was an attractive blonde, who liked to watch me.  We made out quite a bit that week.  I kept in touch with her, later visiting her on my first road trip anywhere.  That is another story for another time.

I do not wish to de-emphasize her importance to my enjoyment of that week, but she does bear the distinction of bieng my worst case of blue balls ever.  That is some of the strangest pain ever.

Anyway, as the final night rolled around, Kiara and I made out on the beach.  I said my goodbyes, and got the guys together for the plan.

I had still not exacted my revenge as I had planned.

So, with contacts in each cabin, I set about my plans, and rallied my troops.

We left our cabin shortly after eleven thirty.  Going cabin to cabin, as the counselors took a break, figuring us to be all good little children asleep in our beds, I rounded up all takers.

We were sneaking out.  Way the fuck out.

I was greatly impressed with the influence I peddled, and the success of my plan.  I had figured that I might be lucky to get five people from each cabin. 

The first girls cabin I stopped at resisted.  After an impassioned plea for daring and spontanaeity on my part, they came.

Cabin to cabin, they came in a silent tide, hailing my call at every stop.  I never took a head count, and there must have been some willy-nillys, and people who were asleep, but a grand estimate as we left the camp, moving as one quietly through the dark, with me at the head all following my moves, I had snuck at least one hundred and fifty people away from their cabins and no one was the wiser.

We crossed a bridge and made it a safe distance away from the camp.  In a secluded spot, I designated fire starters, and we all sat down for a nice night under the stars.

We talked, flirted, had fun.  The fire grew, and we all stayed around in a companionate circle.  Guys and girls paired off, giving into the juvenile passions that had built all week.

Kiara kissed my cheek and rubbed my shoulders.  In the distance, flashlights glared around the camp, and boyscouts called out, frightened at losing their charges.

I felt like a conquering lord.

The whole process getting there took some time, and it was quite a walk.  And no one was in any hurry to get back.

An hour or so before sunrise, we put out the fire, and returned to the camp.

The bullfrogs trilled lustilly with a sound that was unmistakeable.

I kissed Kiara goodbye, and winced at the ache in my testicles.

The next day at revelry, the bugler struggled again with the call, and threw his instrument into the lake.

It was the only act that evoked a response from the dead tired children.  A smattering of applause erupted and died, accompanied by some hoots and cheers.

Before sleep hung on them like muslin.  Today it oppressively pushed us down.

Later in the day, the highpoint of the experience, supposedly, was a local television celebrity.  She stopped by to make some sort of motivational speech, or something else useless to a fifteen year old.

The snoring was audible from all corners of the room.  At one point, she stopped her speech.

"All right.  I drove all the way up here, on my day off, to speak to you, and I'm not going to have you fall asleep on me.  Stand up.  Stand up!  All of you stand up, until you can learn to show respect and stay awake."  she tiraded.

I was so proud.

Later as we said our goodbyes, and boarded our busses, the two other "winners" sat next to me.  They hadn't taken part in the fun, predictibly.

"You look tired. Why was everybody so tired today, Argentum?" one said.

"I don't know." I replied.

They talked amongst themselves for a bit concerned about getting in trouble, for whatever reason by association, as my mind wandered.

"I heard something about people sneaking out and having a wild bonfire-type of party.  Did you hear anything about that?"  he asked again.

"I wouldn't know anything about that."  I said with a smirk.

"Wouldn't or didn't?"  he kept prying.

"Whichever." I said, uncaring. "Not my scene, really."

"Oh, leave him alone, dave.  Can't you see he's tired?"  the girl, amy, said.

"You worry too much, David,"  I said non-chalantly, "You always have."

"Yeah, Dave,"  amy said, "You worry too much."

I turned to the window, and gazed into the distance.

I felt a certain sense of satisfaction.  An exaction of justice.

A certain fullfillment in setting a goal and achieving it.

Hmmm.  Maybe I learned something at leadership camp after all.

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