
2010-11-19 - 10:56 a.m.

strangely non-functional guestbook

Little known fact: He-Man is actually a gay parable. Look at what he wears. A leather harness with a fur speedo and matching fur boots. Only a gay man could pull that off.

Castle Greyskull is a metaphor for the closeted gays that lived in the time before He-Man. Ever wonder why such a positive guy lived in such a dark and foreboding fortress? Its made of the psychic residue of the negative experience of gays being forced to live life in the closet. So when He-Man says "By the power of Castle Greyskull, I have the power" he's asserting the power and confidence his openly gay lifestyle gives him, and celebrating the opportunity to live that lifestyle given to him by the years of sacrifice and societal discrimination experienced by the closeted gays in the time before He-Man finally came out.

Also, Skeletor is a closeted homosexual. He would like He-Man to go back in the closet and repress his sexual identity. Skeletor's desire to rule Castle Greyskull is an empty reflection of his own guilt and shame in regards to his closeted lifestyle and he wants everyone to live life 'in the closet' like he does, like the gays before him who's psychic residue built the dark and foreboding Castle Greyskull.

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