
Girls Gone Wild!
2001-06-18 - 2:42 p.m.

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This weekend will go unadressed for a minute. Server issues. I'd explain it, but who really cares?

Instead I'd like to talk about something that has been quietly amusing me for awhile.

I'm speaking, of course, of nothing but the College Girls Gone Wild video commercials.

Not the video itself, mind you, but the commercials.

They are one of my favorites, for obvious reasons. Watch them everytime they come on the television.

I even have a favorite girl. She's the brunnette towards the end with striaght brown hair and a black top, who lifts her shirt with a cute giggle for some beads.

Anyway, I've seen that fucker at least a thousand times. No, I'm not exaggerating.

Its the part with the two girls in the jeep that gets me. One has long hair, a harsh angled face, spock ears and a tan. She lifts her shirt, and sticks out her pointy, wedge-like tongue, which has obviously seen the backside of far too many frat-boy scrotums and trains of delta chi. And then there's her round-faced, pudgy friend.

Her friend fucking kills me.

She leans forward, eager to expose herself to the camera, to be the wild girl, the bad girl, for all the right reasons, but her friend beats her to the exhibitionist opportunity.

Dammit, she wanted to show her tits. And this bitch always hogs the lime-light.

Shouldered aside, with no one encouraging her to take off her top, she looks disappointed. Defeated, almost. As if the kids who picked on her in grade school were right, as if the derisive laughter and dismissive comments still ring in her ears.

She seems to say,

"Oh, yeah! All Right----oh."

Gets me every time.

Whoops. No one wants to see your tits. Maybe next time.

Try trolling asround a diseased third-world nation, where the women's boobs sag like Methusela's skin due to an acute wonderbra shortage.

They'd be all about your tits over there. Take some KFC snak-pak's to keep your strength up, and to bribe the foreigners into viewing your naked bosoms.

Or try a nursing home or something. They can't run very fast.

Otherwise, keep that nasty shit hidden.

Nobody wants that over here.



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